It’s hard to do something fun without shelling out unnecessary cash nowadays. It’s as if every move you make would cost you. I won’t be surprised if there comes a time when we start paying for the air that we breathe.
Good thing we can still get our hands on free porn! Thank the porn gods for these sluts who are more than happy to raise our cocks for no extra charge.
But just because we’re stingy motherfuckers doesn’t mean we’re willing to settle for shit-quality porn.
There are more than enough free porn tube sites on the internet that offer free porn available in full HD; most of them claim to be the best source of free spank material., as expected, claims to be one of the top free HD porn sites in the whole porn industry. Here you’ll be able to get your daily dose of porn whether you’re into amateurs, teens, MILFs, blowjobs, anal, white chicks, ebony beauties, or Asian babes. PornTrex insists that they have it all and more.
They’ve been in the porn game since 2015. That’s about 7 years of serving the best views for us fappers.
A lot of porn sites mostly play hard when it comes to the numbers game, to the point where a lot of their vids are almost unwatchable. But unlike most porn sites, PornTrex takes pride in valuing quality over quantity. I’d say that’s a nice deviation from the norm.
PornTrex hosts over 270,000 HD porn videos. It sounds measly compared to other free porn tube sites with literally millions of free porn pics and vids on their site, but that’s still worth gallons and gallons of jizz.
The first thing that would welcome you when you load PornTrex is a popup ad. The next thing that comes along is another ad.
I didn’t really do anything, and I’m already getting bombarded with these damn annoying ads. I know we’re getting all these XXX goodies for free, and ads are expected, but does it really have to be that much? We barely scratched the surface, and I’m almost at my wit’s end!
Once the ads are cleared, you get the full view of PornTrex’s homepage. The site logo is on top, along with the search bar and the Login and Sign Up buttons. Next is the site’s main menu with another ad (in banner format this time) below.
The site is in Day Mode or light mode by default. However, there is an option to switch to Night Mode on the menu bar.
Of course, I switched to dark mode. Watching porn in light mode will always feel like I’m burning off my eyeballs but to each their own.
The rest of the page shows thumbnails of PornTrex’s Recommended videos, Trending Videos, and New and Erecting Videos. There are also a couple of thumbnails that are Videos From WhoresHub. I’d skip clicking on those entirely since they’d redirect you to a different site.
We do get a little preview when you mouse over on the porn thumbs. However, they’re only still shots – not video previews. It’s not the best preview style in my book, but it’s better than none.
The main menu consists of Videos, Categories, Models, Albums, Community, Channels, and a couple of links that would take you out of the site (best not to waste our precious fap time on those).
The videos tab is basically the same as the site’s homepage. However, when you mouse over the Videos tab, you’ll see an option to browse porn vids by Latest, Top Rated, Most Viewed, Playlists, Livecam, and Tags.
There are 90 porn categories you can choose from here at PornTrex. But that’s just for the porn vids. For the porn pics, there are 88 categories you can peep at. Both have a content counter on every category listed, so you know how much spank material is there for you to enjoy. You can also sort every item on both types by Most Viewed, Most Videos or Albums, Top Rated, and Alphabetically.
When you click on your category of choice, there are even more sorting options. There’s even an option to filter out HD porn.
PornTrex sure has a lot of sorting and filter options. It’s like a neat freak’s wet dream come true.
The Models tab would show you every cock-hungry slut on PornTrex’s roster. This tab also has the same sorting and filtering options as the Categories tab.
If you feel like getting your cum on the old-school way, check out the Albums tab and fap like your old man used to – through porn pics . And just like the previous tab I’ve mentioned, you can also sort and filter albums by latest, Most Viewed, Top Rated, and a few more.
I did notice a couple of private albums on this tab. If you want to take a peek, you’d have to register as an active member. All you need is a valid email, and you’re good to go.
The Community tab will show you the list of PornTrex’s registered members. There are 4,349,325 user profiles on this site, and 570 pervs joined on this very day.
You can even subscribe to fellow members so you won’t miss their uploads. Think YouTube but purely for porn.
Clicking on the Channels tab will show you PornTrex’s list of porn studios. Currently, there are 36 porn studios listed here. That includes Blacked, BrattySis, MyFamilyPies, and Vixen, to name a few. They even have some stuff from T-girl Network for those who are into spicier shit.
The viewing experience here at PornTrex would’ve been flawless if not for the generous amount of ads you’d have to jump through before you can finally watch a porn flick. I mean, I get it. Ads will be present on most free porn tube sites. It’s how they get their coin to remain up and running.
But once you overcome these hurdles, your patience is greatly rewarded.
There’s no question about these vids’ ability to make you reach a happy ending, but their video player is in a league of its own.
It has a resolution setting, so you have the option to choose what works best for you – from full HD to an acceptable 360p. The video initially plays on mute as well to lessen embarrassing situations (I’ve been there, bud. It’s awkward as fuck)
The only downside of Porntrex’s video player is that it doesn’t have a thumbnail feature. However, there’s a 5-second skip button if you want to get on to the best bits quicker.
You can also choose the download resolution if you want your porn available offline.
Overall, PornTrex is a damn good source of free HD porn. Just make sure to take an extra serving of patience with you when dealing with the damn ads. Aside from that, my cock surely enjoyed this one.