Free porn tube sites are the go-to source of fap fuel for most fappers. A lot of you probably have a couple of favorite porn tube sites added to your bookmarks or at least ingrained in your memory. LOL! This is the quickest and the cheapest way we could get our cum on, after all.
Good thing there is no shortage of free porn tube sites on the internet. Heck, new sites keep popping up every now and then.
Suppose you’re looking for a fresh source of spank session supplements. You want to give this one a try.
If you’re looking for a porn fix, PornFlix might just be the site you are looking for. I mean, the site name says it all. It’s like a play on that certain streaming site’s name. It can’t get any more straightforward than that, right? LOL!
It’s hard to tell how long the site has been dishing out free porn videos. I even tried a domain age checker, and it yielded no results.
The site’s homepage looks like any other typical free porn tube site. At the very top part of the page are a couple of external sites, followed by options to upload pics of vids. Below is the site logo, the search bar, and a hamburger menu (that three-line icon).
Before viewing the site’s actual porn vid thumbnails, you’ll see another set of external links, followed by an ad banner. PornFlix is a free site, so seeing ads is not a surprise.
Speaking of ads, you’d also get a closable popup ad and an ad that opens in a new tab when you start clicking on the site’s contents. It is a bit annoying, but it doesn’t render the site useless.
The first set of thumbnails on the site is the Videos Being Watched, followed by the Explore Videos set. Yup, that’s pretty much it – no muss, no fuzz.
The video thumbnails don’t even have much on them. All we get is the video title and thumbnail image. Heck, you won’t even get a preview when you mouse over any of the thumbnails.
The site is optimized for mobile use. Heck, PornFlix looks a lot sleeker when viewed on mobile. Most of you wankers probably watch porn using your smartphones anyway.
The site’s primary tabs are hidden under the hamburger menu. Here’s the thing: you can’t see what’s under the hamburger menu on the desktop view. However, it works fine when viewing the site on mobile.
The main menu of PornFlix consists of Videos, Pictures, and a link that would just take you out of the site, so I’ll skip that one entirely. I’ll stick to the essentials so we’d all have more time fapping.
The Videos tab is similar to the homepage. The only difference is you won’t see the Videos Being Watched section here.
As for the Pictures tab, well, here’s where you’ll find the site’s free XXX galleries. Some of these galleries only have a single photo available. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell from the gallery thumbnails since the items under the Pictures tab do not have a content counter.
Navigating through multiple-picture galleries is a nightmare too. When you click on a pic inside an album, it opens on a new tab and triggers an ad with it. There’s no way to head back to the album, too, once you’ve clicked on a porn pic. At this point, the porn pic side of PornFlix is a logistical nightmare. What a bummer.
There’s nothing special about PornFlix’s video player. It has all the basic functions, but that’s pretty much it.
The vid quality of the stuff here at PornFlix greatly varies too. Some are clear as day, while others are grainier than my poor eyesight.
The ads that prompted new tabs eventually got on my nerves. I mean, I get that PornFlix needs these damn ads to get their coin, but it does get annoying at some point.
There’s no page to browse porn categories, too, which is the nail in the coffin for me. If you want a free source of fap fodder, check out the other reviews here at The Porn Guide. PornFlix is not it.