, or, is a site that claims to be an adult entertainment blog. Yup, you can use both site addresses and land on the same site.
However, the site’s format is undeniably in a classic format. If you’ve frequented ancient sites back in the day, you bloody well know what the fuck I’m talking about.
But I’m getting way ahead of myself. We’ll get to the site’s details, so hang the fuck on, my fap friend.
The site has been on the adult entertainment side of the internet since 2004. Holy shit, man! That’s about 19 years of dedication to faptacular content. If this site was a real live human being, they could already be considered as an adult. LOL!
With only a year short of a decade, it’s safe to say that Phun is one of the OGs when it comes to making us wankers cum. Let’s see if this site can still keep up with our modern, fast-paced world.
The site’s homepage and overall aesthetics take me way back to my younger years. By that, I mean the site looks ancient as hell! It reminds me of old MySpace layouts or old personal blogs you can customize yourself.
The first bar on top of the page is the site’s tagline, followed by two boxes. The smaller box supposedly contains the site’s Latest Threads, while the bigger one contains Phun’s header bar – this one contains the site’s supposed logo and a couple of odd taglines like “you shot me down, bang bang!” and “girls just wanna have it.”
Like I said – ancient as fuck. At this point, the site screams retro to the point of being cringe-y, but I’d still give the site a shot. Who knows, right? Some oldies are still goodies, after all.
Anyway, the site’s main content can be found smacked right in the middle of the page, with the pagination and a dropdown menu that looks like the site’s categories. I had to double-check the label on the dropdown menu because it’s in German. Thank the tech gods for Google Translate. LOL!
There are sidebars both on the left and right of the content section. Brace yourself, bud. There’s a lot of stuff going on here on both sidebars. I’ll lay out all the details in a bit. Hang on for a little more. Information overload is a bitch.
You’ll find the site stats at the bottom of the homepage. These stats only show page visits, not the number of content we can all enjoy on the site. Bummer. I don’t know about you, but I barely really care about the number of page visitors. I’d rather know more about the fap fodder we could all get for free.
I did notice something odd on the site’s homepage. The page would refresh on its own every now and then. It’s not much of a nuisance, but it gets annoying at some point.
Unfortunately, the site is not optimized for mobile use. It would be dragging as hell to view the full version of the site on your mobile phone’s small ass fuck screen. It would be tolerable if you’re viewing the site on your tablet, but you’d basically be viewing the desktop view of Phun.
I’ve already warned you, bud. There’s a lot to take in here at Phun, and we’ve barely even scratched the surface. I’ll stick to the essentials to save even a minute of our precious fap time.
Now take a deep breath, and let’s dive right into the world of Phun.
The left sidebar has six main sections – not counting the Latest Threads box. These sections are Navigation, Top Sites, Friends, Partners, Links, and another Partners section.
The Navigation section’s main tabs consist of News, Forum, Specials, Galleries, Thong of the Week Archive, Fansigns, Movies, Advertising, Bookmark, and Link Us.
The Specials tab has more sub-tabs shown on the Navigation box, like Fit Girls #5, Pornstars Without Make-up, Lineups, and More Specials. However, clicking the Specials tab would show you a list of links featuring the site’s special galleries (duh!). Unfortunately, this list is entirely text-based, but a lot of the names here are pretty well-known, so it’s not much of a drag to browse through.
The Galleries tab has sub-tabs as well, like Rachel Reynolds, Wild Anna, Sammie Pennington, and More Galleries. And just like the previous tab, clicking on the Galleries tab would show you a text-based list of galleries available here at Phun.
Clicking on any of the tabs in the Top Sites, Friends, Links, and both Partners sections would take you out of the site, so I’ll skip those entirely.
As for the right sidebar, the main sections are Supporting Sites, Weekly Thongs, another Supporting Sites section, another Partners box, and Celebrities. The Supporting Sites and Partners box basically contains external links that would take you out of Phun. I’ll skip those as well and stick to the essentials.
The Weekly Thongs section is actually a poll where you can choose your preferred, well, thong photo that features some juicy cheeks. You don’t need to log in or anything to cast your vote, so go ahead and take your pick!
As for the content section of Phun, the posts mostly feature collections of random links with porn-y content, sexy pics of online sluts and Hollywood hotties, and even collections of funny pics or memes. Think of it as a mishmash of adult fun – pun unintended. LOL!
Since we’re primarily here to review an online porn forum, let’s head to’s forums. Just click on the Forums tab, and it’ll take you to Phun’s forums.
The forums side of Phun looks a little more modern than the homepage. The overall aesthetics are still not to my taste, but it looks a lot less janky than the ancient-looking homepage.
The forum header contains the site logo, along with headshots of Emma Watson, Alexandra Daddario, and Scarlet Johansson – definitely fappers’ favorite. Below is the forum’s main menu – Home, Forums, and Members. The Forums tab has two sub-tabs: Search Forums and Recent Posts.
Next is the notice or announcement section, followed by the actual forums. There’s a sidebar on the right that contains the search bar, Sign Up Now button, Staff Online Now, Members Online Now, New Posts, Forum Statistics, Friends of Phun, and the share buttons for Twitter and Facebook.
As of writing, there are 2,152,587 discussions, 9,862,073 messages, and 448,183 registered members here at the forum side of Phun. The latest update is just a few minutes ago, so you know Phun’s forums are pretty much alive and active to this day.
There are 4 main forum sections here on the forum side of Phun. These are Home Section, Model Section, Celebrity Section, and Sexy Video Section. Every forum here has counters for Discussions and Messages, as well as info on the latest update. On top of that, each of these sections has multiple forums, so take another breath before we delve into fun.
The Home Section has 6 main forums. Here’s the complete list:
The Lounge forums are basically where members can relax and socialize. As for the Creative Backyard, most of the stuff here is art requests and other stuff that would need some kind of creative skill. The Funny Videos, Hall of Fame, and About forums are pretty self-explanatory, so I won’t elaborate on those. As for The Phun House Rules & Information, this is where you’ll find all the guidelines to seamlessly navigate the forums.
The Model Section has only two main forums. These are Model Forum and Amateur Model Forum.
The Celebrity Section is a different story. This section has 5 main forums. Here’s the list:
Last but not least is the Sexy Video Section, which has 4 main forums. These are Sexy Videos (Pro), Sexy Videos (Pro) – HD Section, Sexy Video (VR), and Sexy Videos (Amateur).
There’s no fucking doubt about it, my fap friend. Anyone with a working cock (or clit for the lady fappers) would definitely please themselves with Phun’s selections.
You can easily view the porn pics on the threads. If you want a better look at the porn pics, just click on your preferred photo, which will redirect you to the file sharing site. From there, you could download the good shit for free!
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an option to save all the porn pics in a thread in one go. You’d have to do it one by one.
As for the porn videos here at Phun’s forums, you won’t be able to play them within the threads. However, download links from a hosting site are provided in every video discussion. You’d also see scene still shots in the porn vid threads, so you get a bit of a preview before downloading your preferred fap fodder.
Overall, Phun and its forums can still be considered fun for fappers all over the web. The site design may not be the best, but navigating the site is pretty easy for internet natives like you and me.