The human mind is a wonderful thing. People said that if you can think about it, then you can do it. The only limit is the ones we put on ourselves.
But of course, most people are depraved by nature to the point where we see sexual connotations even in the most innocent matters. Yup, I’m talking about the mystical Rule 34.
Rule 34 is basically an infamous internet rule that says, “if it exists, there is porn of it. If there isn’t, there soon will be“. Society may not largely accept this, but you can’t deny the fact that there is some truth to it.
You’d be surprised at how creative some horny fuckers are. I mean, just the other day, I came across some Peppa Pig porn. I don’t know why I am even surprised since everything gets a porn parody nowadays, anyway. LOL!
If porn parodies are up your alley, this one might just be perfect for you. is a booru type of hentai porn site that’s bursting with Rule 34 goodness. It’s all in the name, my friend.
Booru sites are a form of imageboard with a tag-based image archive. I could go on explaining what boorus are, but if you’re used to frequenting hentai sites, you’re probably familiar with this setup anyway.
Anyway, has been in the porn game since around 2012. That’s a decade of pure dedication to porn parodies.
Over the years, amassed 5,858,756i hentai posts. Buddy, even the most experienced fapper knows this number of spank material is enough to last you more than a lifetime.
Let’s see if they’re any good at all. Quality trumps quantity, after all.
Before you can get your hands on some hentai goodies, a buxom anime babe (that probably acts as the site’s mascot or something) with radioactive lime green hair would welcome you first. I personally don’t mind the snot-green background, but I know a few of you dudes would find this off-putting.
Once you’re in, the nondescript site logo is on the upper left-hand corner, along with the distinct anime eyes of the site’s mascot that hentai heathens are very much familiar with. Below is the site’s main menu, followed by the sub-menu.
By default, the homepage shows the feed of posts. However, you get a couple of ads first. Just be wary because these little shits are pretending to be actual thumbnails, but clicking on them would just take you elsewhere – an utter waste of your fap time.
The rest of the homepage shows all the posts with a left sidebar that contains the search box, another ad banner, and the site’s featured tags.
The featured tags are sorted by Copyright, Character, Artist, General, and Meta. Every featured tag listed here has a content counter next to them, so you know how deep the waters are before diving right in.
The site’s main menu consists of My Account, Posts, Comments, Aliases, Artists, Tags, Pools, Forum, Stats, Gotta Smash’ Em All, iCame Top 100, Help, Discord Chat, Store, and Other Sites.
I know, man. That’s a fucking lot, and every primary tab here has a sub-menu as well, but some are pretty much self-explanatory or would just take you out of the site.
I’ll stick to the essentials. So buckle up, fellow fapper. You’re definitely in for a raunchy ride.
As I’ve mentioned earlier, the homepage shows the stuff under the Posts tab by default. This tab’s sub-menu consists of Video, Upload, Upload Video, Random, Contact Us, DMCA, About, Help, IMG Servers, TagMap, and TOS.
Now, a lot of that stuff isn’t even directly related to the posts. It would’ve been nicer if they had gotten rid of the clutter.
I’m pretty surprised to see some free hentai videos in here. Most booru-type sites stick to images. However, a lot of the vids here are just short clips. There’s nothing special about the video player, but even unregistered guests can download these hentai clips for free.
As for the images, when you click on a thumbnail, you’d be redirected to a new page to better show the image. The image is resized to fit your screen better, but there’s an option to view the image in its original size. You can also opt-in to view all the images in their original size.
Saving images on your drive is easy as pie – just right-click and hit save.
Like most booru type sites, have an extensive tagging system. You can try browsing all the tags under the Tags tab, but that would literally take you forever. So utilize the search feature to find what tickles your fancy.
If you need some pointers on how to fully take advantage of the search feature, head to the Help tab. It’s a nice point of reference if you ever feel overwhelmed.
This tab also has an explanation of what Pools are and how it works. I won’t elaborate much about this since did a good job of explaining it.
If you want to connect and discuss stuff with like-minded individuals, head to the Forum tab or to’s Discord. There are about 11k users online on their discord channel, and a lot of the forum threads are updated today. It’s safe to say that the community is very much alive.
The Stats tab shows a couple of top 10 lists that feature the site’s most active members. Here you’ll see the Top 10 taggers, Top 10 commenters, Top 10 image posters, Top 10 note editors, and Top 10 favoriters. They even have the Top 100 of each top user category under this tab if that interests you.
But here’s something a little more exciting: the iCame Top 100 tab.
This tab shows the characters that people came across the most. You can cast your vote by clicking on the iCame button under the tags at every image. You can cum on a character once per day.
Francine Smith is in the top spot, followed by Lisa Simpson, Meg Griffin, Marge Simpson, Hayley Smith, Lois Griffin, and a whole lot more. I even spotted Jake the Dog from Adventure Time and Pokemon under this top list. Nothing and no one is really is safe from you depraved fuckers. LOL!
Here’s a tab I spent an embarrassing amount of time on the Gotta Smash’ Em All tab.
This tab is basically a poll on the smashability of various pokemon. You know, the typical smash or pass game you and your buds play in passing. Only this time, you’re asked if you’d willingly poke this mon or pass it along.
I never thought I’d consider Spearow smashable, but here I am. See it for yourself and have some silly fun. It’s a different kind of entertainment.
Overall, is more than just your typical booru-type of free hentai porn site. The site may look ancient and outdated, but most imageboard sites are in this format anyway.
The quality and illustrative style of hentai images here vary as they are from different artists. But with’s massive archive of hentai goodies, you’d surely find something that would give you a winning wank.
The ads may have been ever-present since Rule34.XXX is a free hentai porn site, but they’re not as intrusive compared to other free porn sites.
If you enjoy porn parodies, should definitely have a spot on your hentai spank bank. It doesn’t matter if you’re a weeb or not.
People’s creativity is endless, incredibly satisfying their most carnal desires. This has been proven and solidified by many industries like fashion, art, and of course, porn. But what if you combine art and porn? You’ll result in a highly combustible material that will answer the kind of depravity that is out of this world. I guess this is how hentai was created.
Just imagine tapping on the limitless possibilities of coital pleasure with a stroke of the hands. The artist can create scenes and images that can only be found in the deepest reserves of a sex-starved mind. Simply put, I’m talking about hentai, wondering why I’m talking with such eloquence? Blame the site that I’m currently browsing. Let me share it with you and see if you suffer from the same effect.
Ah, Hentai Foundry. The culprit as to why I was forced to use such word-play in my introduction. I don’t think you should blame me for this. I was just carried away with the craftsmanship I witnessed on the site! Before I delve into that, let me tell you what the site is all about.
Hentai Foundry is an adult online community that was launched in July 2006. The site allows various artists to exhibit their artworks and discuss other artists’ artworks through comments and forums. The site was created to cater to fanart, but it also accepts original works. As a quality control, Hentai Foundry has an “Approval Panel” consisting of members to pre-screen some user submissions to preserve the site’s quality. This helps ensure that no copyrighted content and poor-quality art gets uploaded on the site.
The contents of Hentai Foundry are an exciting collective of everything related to sex and porn. You won’t find unique xxx masterpieces on the site alone. Fanart of just about anything – anime and manga, cartoons, games, books, TV series, and movies, as well as webcomics – are here too. You’ll find the complete list of high-quality images on the “Browse Categories” tab.
Let’s talk more about the pictures that are submitted on Hentai Foundry. You’ll find both colored and black-and-white drawings on the site. There are also 2D, 3D, and comic strip-style images. If you want to take a peek at the incredible creations that serve as the life-blood of the site, head over to “Browse Submissions.” From there, you can sort out the wide selection of erotic art that will be presented to you. There are dropdown options like “Featured Submissions,” “Recent Submissions,” “Popular Submissions,” and “Random Submissions.”
Check out the “Popular Submissions” to see some of the well-loved artworks of the Hentai Foundry community. I specifically like “She squirt in her mouth” by PalomaP. It’s an intricately drawn image of two alluring babes with bunny ears and fluffy tails having oral sex. The angle is extremely hot because the white-haired bunny girl is bending over to give her partner and the viewer a full view of her juicy twat. I suck at drawing, and I don’t know much about art, but I’d say that this is impressive shit. The details of her clit and lips are just like what real pussy would look like. My description doesn’t give full justice to what it looks like. Just go to the site and see for yourself.
There are more than 710,000 registered users in Hentai Foundry, and with a community this big, it’s to see that there is an active interaction between the members not just in the “Forum” but also in the comments section.
In case you get tired of browsing the massive erotic gallery of Hentai Foundry, you can indulge yourself in the lewd stories created and submitted by the community members. You’ll access recently updated stories on the homepage. Under the “Featured Pictures,” you’ll see the portion that has a “Recent Pictures” and “Recent Chapters” tab. Click on “Recent Chapters” to read new chapters on your favorite stories.
You can also check out the entire library of stories on the “Browse Categories” section. There are fascinating stories about different topics. Almost every category has a story included in it.
You’ll notice icons can be seen under the thumbnails, and the entire library of these icons can be found on “Filters” (located just below the site’s logo). From there, you can tick specific filtering options of the images that you’d like to see.
There are Nudity, Violence, Profanity, Racism, Sexual Content, Yaoi, Yuri, Teen, Guro, Beast, Furry, and many other options. Some even have dropdown menus to further select specific things you desire. You can also select the type of media used, sort the contents depending on when it was submitted, updated, alphabetically, etc. and limit the pictures.
Hentai Foundry is like a hidden gem just waiting to be discovered. The site hits all the right notes regarding the overall user experience. As I’ve mentioned before, words fall short when describing the erotic artistry found on the pages of this site. The best thing to do is visit the site and experience it first-hand. Hentai fanatics will have a field day on this site
I’m a fucking degenerate. There’s no point in denying that simple fact.
You see, the thing that gets me off is anime babes getting pounded – especially when their boobies bounce from all the hard fucking. After all, tits are tits, and my cock can’t help but react to the perfect stimuli.
If you still haven’t gotten it already, I’m talking about hot hentai videos that make horny degenerates like me weak in the knees.
Stick around if you think hentai is fucking awesome. Who knows, we might have struck gold with this one.
HentaiDude is a site where you can get free access to quality hentai videos. This site also claims to be the best source of uncensored hentai, but I’ll be the judge of that. LOL!
Here at HentaiDude, you can stream top-quality hentai from their collection. On top of that, HentaiDude also claims to have precisely tagged all of the hentai vids so site visitors can get the best-related videos.
This site has been in the porn scene since 2017 – at least according to a quick trip to Scam Adviser. That’s about 5 years of catering to the horny hentai heathens on the internet.
The site has not been around for a long time compared to other porn sites, but we’ll see if HentaiDudes can keep up with the ever-turbulent tides of internet trends.
The site’s homepage is not the best when compared to other hentai porn sites online. The site design looks a little dated. If I didn’t know that HentaiDude has only been around the porn block for a couple of years, I would’ve thought that this site was pretty much ancient. See for yourself, and I bet my wrinkly balls you’d all share my silly sentiment.
Anyway, the site logo is on top of the page, along with the search bar, Upload button, and the Login and Sign Up buttons. Below that is what looks like the site’s main menu. Next are thumbnails of Hot Hentai Videos here at HentaiDude, followed by a set of Recently Featured Hentai Video thumbnails.
Yup, that’s pretty much what the homepage entails.
The main menu consists of Home, 3D Hentai, and Sex Games.
Welp. That was not totally helpful when it came to navigating the site’s over 2400 hentai videos.
Good thing there’s a left sidebar that actually contains all the sorting options and various filters to help you find the perfect hentai fap fodder.
You can choose the video type, whether you like fapping to classic censored hentai or uncensored ones. You can also sort the hentai vids here at HentaiDude by name, Newest, Most Viewed, and Most Discussed.
You will also find the hentai porn categories on this left sidebar.
There are about 54 hentai porn categories here at Hentai dude. Here you’ll find typical porn categories like Anal, Big Tits, Creampie, Doggy Style, Fingering, Handjop, Licking Pussy, and the like. And, of course, you’ll find hentai-specific porn categories here, too, like Harem, Ahegao, Futanari, and many more. Heck, there are even a couple of spicier porn categories here too.
I’ll let you see it yourself. Who knows, you might find your filthiest fantasies here at HentaiDude.
I’m talking about the overall viewing experience. After all, you probably came here at HentaiDude to watch and perhaps cum.
The video player here at HentaiDude has all the essentials, and a little extra sprinkled on the side. Aside from the essentials like the play/pause button, volume toggle, and option to enter full-screen mode, you can also toggle the playback speed and even turn on autoplay if you’re feeling a little feisty.
As for the video quality and overall video resolution, the stuff here at HentaiDude varies depending on the artist or hentai production studio. But fret not my fellow freaky fapper. I’ve clicked on a couple of vids here at HentaiDude, and everything I saw made my cock stiffer than a concrete boulder.
All in all, HentaiDude still has room for improvement, but shunning it entirely would be a dumb idea. There are more than a couple of faptacular vids on this site, after all.
It’s a cold night where I’m at and I feel like it’s a good time to shake things up a bit. It’s an ideal time to polish the rod to some good old hand-drawn porn. Let’s dig our dicks to some hentai and head over to Gelbooru to check out some NSFW art.
Gelbooru is an imageboard website that is more like 4Chan, are you familiar with this? Well, my dear fledgling, 4Chan is the root of all evil, this was where most of us dirty Uncles sourced our internet porn back in the golden days. Sites like these don’t look like your average porn sites, they’re more like forums where people freely share whatever the fuck they want to share. Good thing that most users come to a consensus that they like sharing porn which was a win for everyone.
It’s the same with Gelbooru but it focuses on hentai porn. With over 9 million monthly visitors, the site is known as the biggest hentai and safe image resource available. Don’t be too shocked when you see the interface of Gelbooru because imageboards are well-known templates in the hentai universe. Expect to see cute girls drawn posing in a sexy way, some of them half-naked, stripping their clothes, while some have all the goodies exposed.
There are millions of anime and hentai images found on the multitude of pages offered by Gelbooru. The content is user-generated so expect to see a lot of erotic artworks coming from different artists. You’ll see a variety of pictures from sketches to DeviantArt-quality pieces. Don’t worry because most of the pieces that you’ll see here are in full color. A selected few might still be in black and white but the number is still dominated with colorful NSFW artworks showcasing big-breasted muses.
Quality will never be a problem because although resolution and image formats vary, everything is kept generally high. Content that is poorly compressed is a big no-no here at Gelbooru. Expect to see just about anything, from hot 3D girls riding big cocks to cute 2D lolicons. About 90% of the lustful creations are NSFW but you can also find non-porn material like anime wallpapers.
With millions of images available on Gelbooru, it is only apt that the site creators integrated a convenient tagging system to help users plow through the enormous content. I have read a few reviews about the site’s tagging system and a majority of pron connoisseurs and cock chokers say that it is complicated. I checked it out myself and it is pretty overwhelming for someone new to imageboards.
It takes a few frequent visits to get used to it and you’ll soon understand the ropes of Gelbooru’s tagging system. It’s actually kind of cool because the tags are categorized according to color. Here are the tag types and the colors that are associated with them:
If you want to know more about the tags that you’re seeing on the left, you can click on the question mark, “?”. This will lead you to Gelbooru’s glossary or Wiki page where everything is explained. I clicked on Takanashi Rika since it’s one of the popular tags featured on the list and has a decent number of images. I got schooled that she is the lead character from an animated series called “Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai!.”
People visit hentai porn sites to take a break from busty blondes being fucked in every hole possible. If you’d like to see Sakura and her dick-licking prowess, it’s here. You go to sites like Gelbooru to satisfy your curiosity in seeing your favorite anime and game characters in their naked glory. With hentai, the only limit is the artists’ imagination.
Sure you’ll see your usual sexy ladies stripping their clothes or more ecchi content of babes posing in a sexy way. Apart from that, you’ll see hardcore porn that hentai is famous for, with tentacles and monsters violating innocent-looking girls. The quality of the porno art that you’ll find here in Gelbooru is massive, there’s something for everyone no matter your kink is.
Gelbooru is more than just an imageboard, there are other features on the site that a porn connoisseur will be able to enjoy.
Apart from the enormous amount of porn art found on the tags, Gelbooru also has “Pools” or groups of erotic images that you can checkout. From girls with tattoos to MILF doms to other interesting niches are listed here.
Gelbooru is a one-of-a-kind site where you can upload your artworks (if you have any) and be a part of an interactive community. Here, you can get in touch with other hentai porn fans and you’ll be able to share your experiences, ideas, thoughts, and expand your hentai porn collection.
There’s a steady stream of hentai here in Gelbooru so it means that the already massive content of the site will continue to grow over time, your dick will never go soft. There are videos and animated GIFs too! It’s fun and it’s free, what more can you ask for? Gelbooru is a haven to weebs, anime geeks, hentai addicts, and doujinshi fans. You can even download the erotic art for free!
I like my girls hand-drawn and out-of-this-world. That’s why when I’m taking a healthy break away from amateur babes and professional pornstars, you’ll find me stuck in my room watching hentai. I have the perfect site if you’re looking for a unique and extra-kinky experience.
nHentai is a site filled with an assortment of user-submitted, erotically charged characters who only want to satisfy their sinful desires. Get to meet the women of your dreams; big jugs, willing to do your every bidding, and pussies always wet with sexual hunger. If you like what you’ve been reading so far, read on for more exciting stuff about this hentai porn site.
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here,” this is nHentai’s warning to anyone who dares enter the site. What a catchy phrase but is it true, or is it just a ruse? Either way, words won’t stop me from fulfilling my never-ending need for cute horny girls with boobs as big as melons (hm, I love melons). Hentai originated from Japan, where it seems like men are big perverts. But their perversion is a massive advantage for horny little fuckers like us.
With nHentai’s assortment of over 380,000 doujinshi and manga comics, you’ll have a grand time entering different hentai worlds of sexual pleasure. I guess the site creators are just giving you enough warning about how addicting nHentai is.
Doujinshi is another term for fan manga. These amateur manga publications feature the original characters or plot from another manga or anime.
The variety that nHentai offers is incredible. There are colored and black and white mangas that you can read to stimulate your one-eyed snake. Apart from that, these creations are available in several languages; English, Japanese, and Chinese.
One downside that I noticed with nHentai is the lack of filtering options. If you prefer colored xxx manga, you’d have to manually type “English colored” on the search bar. The site has an impressive search feature that users can take advantage of. Go to the “Info” tab. That’s where everything is thoroughly discussed. You can search for multiple terms simultaneously. This way, the search results will give you options containing both terms. You can also exclude categories that you’re not interested in. You can type in “FMA -yaoi” if you’re not interested in seeing Edward and Alphonse fucking other male characters.
nHentai is a site full of large hentai covers that give you enough understanding of what the story is all about. I’d say that the site is perfect for horny dudes and dudettes who are new to hentai porn and are unaware of the terms and categories found in hentai.
The “Characters” and “Parodies” tab are also handy if you have specific characters and shows you’d like to see doing naughty deeds. I recently watched Dragon Ball Z, and I’ve been meaning to see Bulma and Vegeta fucking their brains out. If you don’t like anime xxx manga, there are tons of other options available for you. If you have some fucked up childhood and you’re curious to see how Jasmine is in bed, there’s an Aladdin hentai manga that you can read too. Like any hentai porn site, nHentai has TV shows, animated movies, games, comics, and original creations.
Click nHentai’s “Random” tab and surprise yourself from new hentai porn scenes you’ve never laid your eyes on. This comes in handy if you have no specific category or kink. The site will do the choosing for you. All you have to do is sit back and tug your dick like crazy.
The sign-up process of nHentai is easy. Even a youngster can do it. All you have to do is key in the username that you’d like to use your password, and you’re all set to enjoy the perks of a member.
What are the perks, you ask? Store your favorite nut-busting partner in one place – your Favorites. With the amount of hentai that you’ll find on nHentai, I recommend that you take advantage of this feature. The biggest plus for me would be the ability of members to download these naughty masterful creations. Take your favorite horny characters wherever you go without spending a single cent.
nHentai holds one of the most extensive galleries of the internet’s hottest taboo and unique naughty hentai content. Choose among the wide selection of tentacles, femdom, gender bender, ecchi, BDSM, furry, and a lot more. With a mobile-friendly site, you’ll also enjoy reading and fapping using your smartphone.With high-quality hentai, you can never go wrong with nHentai. Without a doubt, it is one of the best free hentai sites the internet has to offer. Visit nHentai now and bust your nuts while watching cute loli girls stuff their holes with throbbing cocks.
Why do a lot of people love hentai? What’s not to love? Hentai offers an endless possibility of porn that is only limited by the artists’ imagination. Since hentai are drawn erotic creations, you can make any kink and fetish come true with a stroke of a brush and a skilled hand. It’s no surprise that like porn tube sites, there are also a lot of hentai sites popping out on the internet. This just goes to show that there are tons of horny bastards with creative hands adept enough to create masterful erotic images.
But what if I tell you that a hentai porn site offers more than just hentai? What if there is a site that will give you the best of both worlds; hentai, and real babes? Buckle up because today, you’re in for a treat.
A hentai site that strikes my interest is Just by hearing the name, you sort of expect to see a lot of sexually attractive content that will ignite your passion for fapping. The site was launched last 2002 and this is not an ordinary hentai porn site. This is the place where you’ll find the best quality images and a wide array of exclusively licensed hentai creations made by the site’s community of artists and more.
Luscious is a site that offers hentai and porn lovers the oldest, most curated, and the largest collection of free hentai smut on the internet. With a free account, you’ll be able to enjoy the best experience in browsing free hentai and other erotic creations but you can also interact with the community that is present on the site. There are a lot of extra features that will let you chat with other hentai lovers and discuss other various topics.
Aside from the sexually explicit drawn creations that are featured in the hentai and manga pages of Luscious, you can also feast your eyes on a selection of amateur nude photos and NSFW videos. You’ll get the best of both worlds indeed! Don’t get me wrong, Luscious is a free hentai porn site and not a porn tube site, the nude photos and sex videos are just bonuses.
Don’t expect much from the free porn pictures and videos since Luscious’ main specialty is hentai and cartoon porn. Although I must say that the site does have an impressive collection of regular porn, there are more than 15,000 videos – both clips and full-length videos – and an additional 15,000 porn photos featuring both amateur and professional babes.
You’ve heard this plenty of times before, a lot of free porn sites offer perks for site members and Luscious is no different. You can browse the site as a guest but if you’re interested in watching the free porn videos, you might as well register an account.
By providing your email address and a password, verifying your account, and confirming your email address, you’ll be able to unlock perks that are offered to site members. The process may sound daunting but trust me, it will only take a few seconds and you can fap away to your dick’s content.
Once you have confirmed and verified your account, Luscious will now let you customize your filters. The site will give you a list with checkboxes featuring your preferred hentai based on your sexual orientation and other specific categories to choose from. The settings that you have selected will affect the kind of content that you’ll see on your dashboard. Aside from that, Luscious will also create a shortcut in the menus based on the categories that you have selected.
For the sexual orientation, you can choose among:
You can select as many or as few as you like. The same goes for the more specific categories that you can choose from; 3D Digital Art, Amateurs, BDSM, Celebrity Fakes, Cosplay, Cumshot, Fetish, Furries, Futanari, Harem, Incest, Kemonomimi / Animal Ears, Monsters & Tentacles, Netorare / Cheating and a lot more.
Apart from this, you can also select the languages of the manga that might interest you. There are a total of 11 languages available including English, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, and Other. It’s pretty impressive because I’ve never seen this kind of language selection in any other hentai site, it’s only here in Luscious. Don’t worry because you can always change your settings at any time.
The overall look and feel of Luscious need a bit of getting used to because there are a lot of things going on. There’s a comment section at the bottom of the thumbnails which might throw you off (I was thrown off so I might as well warn you if you’re not used to these kinds of things) And you’d need to scroll down (a lot) to see other site details. Yes, the site does seem cluttered but Luscious makes up for the fun site features.
Since the site is mainly made up of a community of people who loves porn and hentai, the bottom part of the screen tells you how many users are online – both anonymous and registered members. At this very moment, there are 217 anonymous users online, and 477 registered members online.
Apart from the preferences that you have tweaked when you first signed in, there are other sorting options to choose from. Also located at the bottom of the page, you’ll be able to sort the album sections based on “Made by People You Follow,” “Liked by People You Follow,” “GIF Albums,” “Underrated Albums,” and “Downvoted Albums.” I haven’t seen this kind of feature in any other porn site or hentai site that I have visited just here in Luscious.
Now, doesn’t this sound exciting? You can further change the way you navigate the site through these options. Still located at the bottom of the page, these options let you choose how you’d like to view the content. You can switch the following options on or off, depending on your preference:
Hentai itself is already an out-of-this-world experience because it’s the porn niche that is dependent on the artists’ creativity and imagination. Luscious ups the user experience a notch further by offering customization and tons of site features to make every browsing experience as unique as possible. I haven’t seen a porn site that offered this much freedom and variety to its users. Better visit Luscious now and experience everything first hand.
Humans, with all their emotions and stuff, are pretty much complicated in nature. Don’t get me wrong, man. I don’t think I’d ever forgo human interactions since we’re social beings by design, but humanity can get draining.
Life itself can be stressful enough. I don’t want to add the anxiety of approaching a real live girl in the hopes of getting laid. Besides, I’m not really equipped to deal with the requirements of maintaining a healthy relationship. I’m not going to string anyone along. I’m not that kind of a cunt.
Some days you just need a quick release to your favorite kink without any complications. In my case, it’s anime babes. Whether they’re cute loli girls, tsundere waifus, or yandere cuties, my cock can’t get enough of them – especially their thick, plump, and juicy anime tits.
If you’re a self-proclaimed degenerate like me, sit back, relax, whip your dick out, and enjoy the ride to the stream of pleasure. I know you fucking want to.
FreeHentaiStream is the site for you if you’re a degenerate like me that loves beating their meat to hentai porn. It doesn’t matter if you prefer the OG censored hentai vids from Japan or uncensored hentai goodies from elsewhere. FreeHentaiStream is here to fulfill your hentai dreams.
The best part? It’s all for free! I mean, the word “free” is right there on the site name. LOL!
A quick trip to Scam Adviser tells me this site has been in the animated porn scene since 2014. That’s about 9 years of serving weeb wankers all over the world.
With only a year short of a decade, it’s probably more than safe to say that FreeHentaiStream knows more than a thing or two when it comes to serving superior free fap fodder to horny anime freaks online.
Let’s see if this site can keep up with our high libido.
FreeHentaiStream’s homepage looks sleeker than your average free hentai porn site. If you frequently visit hentai porn tube sites, you probably notice how cluttered their site looks. Some hentai sites might even take a hot minute for you to figure out how to navigate the damn site.
You’re in luck if you’re looking for a no-fuss site to watch and stream HD hentai videos for free. Because here at FreeHentaiStream, you won’t come across such migraine-inducing – just pure fapping pleasure.
On top of the homepage, the first thing you’ll see is the welcome message bar along with the Bookmark Us button, Register button, and Login button. Below is the site’s header filled with hot anime babes displaying their tasty bits, with the site name and search bar embedded in it.
Next is the site’s main menu, followed by the site’s “Top Friends” or affiliate links of some sort. I suggest you ignore these links if you want to stick to free hentai videos.
The first set of thumbnails you’ll see are the site’s Featured Hentai Games. That’s right, my fellow fapper. Here at FreeHentaiStream, you’d also get to try faptacular hentai games for free.
However, clicking on any of these game thumbnails would take you out of the site – so much for celebrating, right? These thumbnails are actually ads. The real hentai games featured on this site can be found on the main menu, but more on that later.
Anyway, let’s get back to the hentai vids.
After that somewhat disappointing first set of thumbnails, you’ll finally see FreeHentaiStream’s actual hentai vid thumbnails. These thumbnails are sorted by Latest Releases by default, but you can click the sorting feature above the thumbs to view Top Rated vids or Top Viewed videos.
Aside from the thumbnail image and video title, the thumbnails also contain a couple of pieces of information like the number of likes, number of views, date added, censorship tag, and if the vid has subtitles.
There’s even a quick link to download the video from the thumbnail. Now that’s bloody convenient.
There’s a sidebar on the right part of the page that contains an ad, a list of what looks like affiliate links, FreeHentaiStream’s discord link, and a list of hentai titles that you can opt to view Recommended titles, Top Viewed, or Top Liked.
The site is optimized for mobile users, so it doesn’t matter which device you use to access the site. As long as you have a web browser and a pretty decent internet connection, heaven is at your fingertips.
I have to admit, man. The mobile version of FreeHentaiStream looks a lot cleaner than the desktop version. Heck, I’d probably suggest everyone to view the site on mobile instead.
The site’s main menu consists of Home, Series, Games, Uncensored, Genres, Upcoming Hentai Releases (depending on the date you are viewing the site), and Porn News.
Clicking on the series tab will show you the entire list of hentai titles here at FreeHentaiStream. The titles are arranged alphabetically by default, but you can opt to view titles by site archive or calendar.
I know, man. It sounds nuts, but it’ll make sense when you see it yourself.
The hentai game thumbnails on the site’s homepage were pretty disappointing. If you want real insight into hentai games, click on the Games tab. Here you can read reviews of popular hentai games.
The dudes behind these reviews have a go at these games, and then they get back to us about their gaming experience. The reviews under this tab are pretty extensive without spoiling the actual experience for future users. It’ll only help you decide whether these games are even worth a minute of your time.
Most hentai lovers are pretty much aware that anything hentai that’s made in Japan will always be censored. We can’t really do anything about it. It’s in their law.
However, outside the land of the rising sun, we can see the best bits as clear as day – anime cunts and cocks displayed in their full glory.
If you want prime fap material that’s probably clearer than your future, click on the Uncensored tab, and fap your heart out.
The video thumbnails under this tab are pretty similar to the thumbnails on the site’s homepage. You can also sort the thumbnails by New, Top Rated, and Top Viewed. On top of that, there’s also an option to sort the uncensored hentai videos by genre.
If you want to check out the entire list of genres here at FreeHentaiStream, head to the Genres tab. There’s a fuckton of hentai genre listed under this tab. I tried counting every single one of them, but I stopped at 50, and that’s not even half of everything on the roster.
With such a humongous list of genres, any weeb wanker would probably find something that fits right up their alley. I spotted typical hentai genres like Ahegao, Bishoujo, Bukkake, Ecchi, Futanari, Lolicon, Netorare, Shotacon, the hentai classic Tentacles, and a whole lot more.
Seriously, man. It would literally take you more than a hot minute to explore every single genre listed under this tab. There are just so many to choose from.
There are even a couple of extra spicy categories that I’d say are barely legal in real-life porn. At the end of the day, hentai and anime are just drawings. They’re not real, so no harm, no foul.
If you find it quite overwhelming to explore the genres bit by bit, there’s an option to view FreeHentaiStream’s popular genres. If you’re prone to decision fatigue, I’d suggest checking the popular genres first.
The tab about upcoming hentai titles is pretty much self-explanatory. This tab only contains a list of future hentai vid uploads. That’s it.
You can only do a little under this tab, but it’s nice to have something to look forward to. Unfortunately, there’s no specific date of upload – just the month in general.
As for the Porn News tab, it’s practically a collection of blog posts. I expected to see news that is specifically about the hentai side of porn. For some odd reason, the topics of the posts here are pretty much all over the place.
There are posts about OnlyFans, live-action porn, with only a few posts that are related to anime or hentai. If you want to focus on hentai videos, I suggest you pay this tab with no mind at all. LOL!
Let’s talk about the most important part, which is probably the reason why you’re here in the first place: the viewing experience and level of fappability.
Sadly, the video player here at FreeHentaiStream is not the best in the pool of hentai porn tube sites.
It has all the basic stuff like the play and pause button, volume toggle, video duration, and even a ten-second rewind button. Unfortunately, there’s no option to enter full-screen. And for some odd reason, the video player has a design flaw. You can’t see the entire scene because the player window crops the visuals.
The only way to see the hentai flick in its full glory is to download the video. What a bummer. I mean, not everyone has the memory space for downloads, right?
I did not really mind the ads before you get to play the actual hentai video since we’re getting free access and unlimited streaming to all these hentai goodies. What bugged me was the inability to enjoy any of the videos here without hitting the download button. Visitors are forced to download the videos to actually enjoy their content.
If you have the memory space and you don’t mind downloading the vids first before you can tug your cock to it, FreeHentaiStream would work for you. However, it would’ve been a lot nicer if we weeb wankers could stream these hentai vids in peace without the extra task and wait time from downloading shit online.
Once you’ve had your fill of milking your dick to pornstar goddesses and kinky amateur ladies, it’s time to look for a new “avenue” of pleasure. Good thing the porn universe has enough to cover our horny asses. I try to give myself a “brain exercise” to shake off the feeling of being stuck in a fugue state after fapping to so many porn videos. I turn to hentai.
Why do I call it a brain exercise? Nice of you to ask. Browsing hentai makes me sharpen my imaginative skills by envisioning these hand-drawn women satisfying my coital needs. I highly recommend trying it yourself and seeing how it improves your brain function. Let me suggest an excellent hentai site to kick-start your journey – Simply-Hentai.
As you have guessed, Simply-Hentai is a site filled to the brim with hentai manga and doujinshi. If you’re a newbie with hentai, “doujinshi” means amateurs commonly draw fan-created or self-published porn. This hentai manga features either a cast of original characters and plots or characters from another manga or an anime.
Unlike most hentai porn sites, the pages vary from 10 to 20 pages, which is scarce. With Simply-Hentai, you can browse full hentai manga with up to more than 200 pages. I’m not even kidding. That’s how excellent this site is. I’m currently reading “School Idol no Kyuujitsu Soushuuhen I – Love Live Sunshine” (yeah, the title doesn’t make much sense, but the sex and the drawing are good, so I don’t give a fuck with the title), and I’m on the 36th page out of 249 pages. That’s like reading an entire series on other hentai porn sites.
Ever wondered what it would feel like if you fuck a girl in an onsen? How about sticking your cock inside a high-school girl’s tight pussy (if you haven’t done that before)? I’m telling you, these hentai porn chicks are perverted. Don’t let them fool you with their innocent looks because these babes are as submissive as they can get, or sometimes, they’ll pull an all-out femdom action that will surely make you cum hard. All these and more only with Simply-Hentai.
There’s an assortment of girls that you’ll discover here—ever heard of futanari? It’s a very well-known genre of hentai that is lusted upon both inside and outside Japan. If you’re thinking of trans or ladyboys, think again. They are cross-gendered characters – they have both female and male sexual characteristics also falling in the gender-bender category. Out of this world? Don’t even let me get started on that one. Bestiality is best in hentai sometimes, you might be confused between bestiality and furry, but either way, if you’re seeking something new, this category is worth a shot. Then there is the crowd’s favorite tentacles, where monsters and other types of creatures penetrate every orifice available using tentacles.
The creators of Simply-Hentai made your hentai porn browsing experience as personal as possible.
Being a part of Simple-Hentai is relatively simple. All you have to do is type in your username, email address, and password. Yes, you can freely browse collections without signing up. But if you’re interested in subscribing, adding hentai porn to your favorites, and downloading your favorite perverted creations, then better type in those three details.
It doesn’t matter from what world you’re from because Simply-Hentai has you covered. I think this is the feature of the site that makes it stand out above other hentai porn sites. Choose among the selected languages available:
If you’re an otaku, then you’ll surely be familiar with what tags to use when looking for your preferred fap material. In Simply-Hentai, there are 9,155 tags available, and if you’re a newbie in the hentai porn universe, I suggest you check out the “Glossary” found at the bottom of the page. A few significant hentai terms are listed and defined in that section to help newbies get to know more about hentai porn.
Which theme are you comfortable with? Black theme? White theme? Simply-Hentai will let you choose the theme that suits your liking. If you tend to lean on specific tags, feel free to blacklist tags that you don’t like to see. Just go to “Settings” or the gear icon, and you’ll find everything there.
You won’t get lost with Simply-Hentai. Everything is arranged to your satisfaction. Filter everything from “Most Commented” to “Most Viewed,” “Largest” to “Newest,” and “Alphabetical” to “Top Rated.”
Full-colored or black and white, if you love anything that stimulates your imagination by everything out-of-this-world, then Simply-Hentai is worth every second. Ads are at a minimum, and you can adjust the reader settings based on your liking.
Simply-Hentai is a fantastic site, from the layout to the navigation, and of course, the engaging content that’s perfect for your fapping needs.
Otakus, unite! Yes, I’m a self-professed otaku, and when I’m taking a break away from the likes of Angela White, Abella Danger, or even sweet Riley Reid, you’ll find me in tranced by naked anime babes. Let’s give perverted Japanese dudes a big tap on the back for creating such perfectly horny babes who are always hungry for cock and some good fucking.
If you’re like me, who’s a fan of hentai porn, or if you’re someone who’s looking for something new, then this site is a perfect try. Unzip your flies, grab your dicks, and let’s head over to
Such a huge claim! But does the site deliver? You bet they do. is the home of 100% exclusive premium hentai. The site has a concrete collection of the best hentai from some of the best studios like Milky, Sakura Films, Discovery, and Bootleg Label. I’m talking about fresh, uncensored hentai porn for you horny boys and girls. You no longer have to stare at blurred-out dicks and cunts, because with, everything’s exposed for you.
Fans of anime smut will indeed have a great time scrolling through’s contents. There are over 250 exclusive hentai movies you won’t find anywhere else. You won’t even wonder what these chicks are saying because these movies are dubbed in English, all in high-quality streams, plus you can also download them.
Anime series like Naruto, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Kimetsu No Yaiba, and the likes took the world by storm. And like these anime series that we all love so much, this anime porn is also filled with cute sexy ladies, but this time, these gals are willing to get in on extra kinky sex. If you’re one of the mesmerized dudes who fell hard when these big-breasted beauties dominated the porn industry, then is just the site for you.
Feel free to go over full videos of schoolgirls with big tits in a neatly designed and well-organized selection of These are not your regular Saturday morning anime because it takes your hentai viewing to a whole new level. If you’re looking for hardcore and uncensored anime fucking, has it all. I’m not talking about short clips that will leave your blue balls hanging, longing for more. Almost all of the videos found on the site are 20 plus minutes long, up to nearly an hour.
Ecchi (softcore) babes pissing themselves after a good fingering or dildo penetration? Hardcore BDSM scenes of helpless beauties being pounded by multiple cocks? Everything kinky is present here in You’ll be surprised with the number of impossible sex acts you’d only usually dream of.
You can engage in an exciting adventure of venturing into the world of bizarre, out-of-this-world fucking (both literally and figuratively). Aside from your usual creampies, facials, blowjobs, and anals (this site has a shit ton of), there are also demon girls with an insatiable desire for cum and monsters with tentacles digging into every orifice available. What’s more, these videos are available to stream and download in 480p and 720p HD.
Updates come in on a daily, especially at’s Members Area, these are hentai animations and not just manga. These are moving, grinding animated babes showing how good they are when pleasuring males of every species. New movies are added every week that are freshly released so that you won’t be missing out on any hentai porn action.
If you want more, I suggest you hit that “Join Now” button. Everything comes with a price, and with an uncensored collection of hentai smut, you’ll have to shell out some cash (probably take out a few bills from your kids’ trust fund). If you’re still unsure of yourself, you can take advantage of’s 1 Day Membership that’s worth $1 to get exclusive access from some of the top Japanese hentai studios.
If you’re Mr. Big Spender, then feel free to choose among the other plans available at
Party with doesn’t end there because pictures are included in the deal aside from exclusive full videos. And on top of that, a membership to the site will also give you access to a massive collection of bonus content you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Just imagine all the hardcore porn from various DVDs (real people, not anime) that’s over 70,000 scenes available to stream and download. Pretty sweet deal, right?
Need I say more? There’s absolutely no reason to wait any further. Visit now to revel in a great collection of animated hentai porn. If quality hentai porn is what you’re looking for, you’ll surely find it here.
They say you shouldn’t take life seriously and take everything with a grain of salt. But that’s not how I roll.
You see, I take pleasure seriously. Life is short. Having fun is my full-time job.
You wouldn’t want a wonky job when it comes to fun now, would ya? If you want something done properly, you leave it out to the pros.
The same concept can be applied to porn. In this case, I’m specifically talking about hentai porn. Yup, we’re about to fap to some animated sex vids done by the pros.
Sure, there are loads of free hentai sites on the internet. But are they even worthy of a tug?
At the end of the day, quality will always weigh more than quantity. That’s why pros are called pros, after all.
If anime babes with luscious tits make your cock harder than concrete, hang tight. This site might be your new favorite heat source.
Hentai Pros is a site where you can dip your cock into some pro-level hentai vids and games. I mean, it’s literally stated in the site name. It can’t get any more obvious than that. LOL!
This site has been on the hentai side of the porn block since 2014. That’s about 8 years of service to the hentai heathens of the internet.
Let’s see if this site really dishes out the good stuff that could satisfy our cocks that are always hungry for some damn good hentai.
Before you could actually see the site’s homepage, you’d have to go through an age filter. That’s right, bud. This site may be full of animated goodies, but the only ones welcome here at Hentai Pros are the 18+ crowd.
Once you go through that initial obstacle, you can now feast your eyes on some hentai treats.
The site’s homepage looks pretty sleek with its overall design and dark theme. But it’s not just flat black. The site has a little more color depth than that. See for yourself, and I bet my firstborn spawn you’d agree with my sentiment.
The site logo is on the upper left-hand corner of the page, along with the hamburger menu (that icon that looks like it’s made up of three uniform horizontal lines). On the opposite corner, you’ll see the Join Now button.
The next thing you’ll see is a slideshow of the site’s featured hentai titles. At the moment, we get a little glimpse of Naked Studies 1 and Aruhinetto.
Below are select thumbnails under the Latest Hentai Videos, followed by the Most Popular Anime Videos. A huge banner that says “Unlimited Access To Hentai Games” follows next, and clicking on this banner will prompt you to join the site. I’ll dish out all the little details in a bit, so have a bit more patience, my friend.
Up next, you’ll see Hentai Pro’s list of Top Categories like Ahegao, Anal, Big Tits, and MILF – all of which are my favorite! Below that are the Trending Tags here at Hentai Pros. As of writing, the site’s trending tags are Creampie, Gangbang, Femdom, Rough Sex, Big Dick, Harem, Squirt, Doggystyle, Blowjob, Blonde, Orgy, and Bukkake.
Yup, I spotted some of my faves on that list. I bet you all did too!
The site is optimized for mobile use, so you wankers can always fap on the go. There’s not much difference between the desktop view and the mobile view. The latter option only compressed the site to fit a smaller screen.
I did not encounter a single annoying at. So far, Hentai Pros is looking pretty good.
The site’s primary tabs are hidden under the hamburger menu. It consists of Videos, Games, Categories, Search, and the Login and Join Now buttons.
When you click on the Categories tab, you’ll see the site’s Top Categories first, followed by all available categories here at Hentai Pros.
There are 20 hentai porn categories on this site. Here you’ll find porn categories that you’d typically find in any porn site, mixed with the usual hentai-specific categories.
Here’s the entire categories list here at Hentai Pros:
Every category listed here has an accompanying thumbnail that basically shows what you’d expect to get in every click.
Clicking on the Videos tab will show you all of the available hentai vids here at Hentai Pro. As of writing, there are 323 hentai videos available for you to enjoy.
There’s not much information in the thumbnails. All we get is the thumbnail image, video title, and date of upload. However, you’d get a nice little video preview when you mouse over the thumbnails under this tab.
Once you’ve chosen your animated fap fodder, you’ll see the vid’s rating, number of likes, video description, the category it’s under, and the tags. You’d even get a couple of suggested videos near the bottom of the page.
But here’s the catch: you’d have to spend a pretty penny to actually view the full scenes here at Hentai Pros. Heck, you won’t even get a peep at the contents of the Games tab unless you shell out some real-world cash.
You know what they say. Pros prefer to be paid.
That’s right, my friend. Hentai Pros is actually a premium hentai porn site.
You’d have to become a site member to see and enjoy the full scenes here at Hentai Pros.
If you want to test the waters first before jumping in, Hentai Pros offer limited access. That’s a 2-day trial period that costs a dollar a day. This option automatically rebills at $39.99 every 30 days until canceled.
If you want longer access, there’s a 30-day membership that has an initial charge of $29.99, automatically rebilling at $29.99 every 30 days until canceled
For those looking for a better deal, there is a 3-month membership option initially charged at $59.99, automatically rebilling at $59.99 every 90 days until canceled. That’ll cost you about $19.99 per month.
If you’re a serious anime and hentai lover, there is a 12-month membership. It costs $119.99, automatically rebilling at $119.99 every 365 days until canceled. That’s like paying $9.99 per month instead of 30-plus dollars. Now that’s a damn good deal!
Overall, Hentai Pros are for the serious weeb wankers. There’s no question about the fappability of the hentai videos here. Just know that it all comes at a cost.
Have you ever wondered why society has been too iffy to discuss sex? Having sexual urges is the most natural thing, yet religious or societal expectations force us to repress them. You’d think living in modern times would make us less shameful when it comes to expressing our sexualities, right?
Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go.
Enjoying sex and enjoying porn seems to be a hush-hush kind of topic. Believe it or not, men, women, and even members of lgbtqa+ consume porn one way or another, even if they won’t admit it (don’t worry, buddy. I won’t tell on you). Well, I say fuck them prudes! Shed your shame and let your freak flag fly.
Sex is one marvelous thing. People use it to express lust, love, or even a healthy mix of both. Either you do it for procreation or pure pleasure, you can’t deny just how wonderful it is. I see no shame in that. Uptight pricks shame us for our naturally perverted urges. I say we make the ultimate power move and share our shame with the world.
Instead of shaming yourself for being horny like every average human being, I say let’s practice self-love and head to for a slinky spank session. I know you fellow pervs wouldn’t say no to that! looks like any average free porn tube site you see online. Only this time, it’s sleeker and less cluttered. I usually complain about porn sites with stark white backgrounds, but since the video thumbnails dominate the page, the white space is a welcoming break for the eyes.
The site looks relatively simple, with the red logo at the top of the homepage next to a search bar and discreet primary tabs on the upper right-hand part of the page. After that, visitors can drown themselves in their own cum from browsing through a seemingly endless stream of recently added premium-quality porn vids.
The best part?
We horny fuckers can enjoy all of these for free.
The primary tabs consist of Models, Categories, Tags, and the Login option.’s Pornstar Models Directory arranges the hottest sluts on their list in alphabetical order. I spied with my horny eyes the usual favorites like Abella Danger, Asa Akira, and Riley Reid. There is also a vid counter next to their names, so you know just how many flicks you can fap to that features your favorite fuck bunny.
But if you’re one of those dong lovers, also lists male performers on this tab. Yep, for you clit owners and cock cravers, I’m happy to report that there are 97 videos under Manuel Ferrara, 123 videos under James Deen, and 71 videos under Rocco Siffredi, to name a few.
There are a total of 77 porn categories here at Like in the Models tab, there’s a vid counter for every category listed. Amateur porn is one of the biggest in their XXX vid collection with 6214 cumtastic videos. Shameless visitors also get thousands of videos under Blowjob, Dildo, Interracial, Teen and Cumshot, and many more.
Whatever it is that your cock (or clit) craves, you’re sure to find something you can rub to in this shamelessly satisfying spank site.
Head to the Tag tabs to find shameless subgenres of porn flicks you can cum to and enjoy.
So, you love tugging your cock to anal, huh? Here at, they offer 158 tags of anal goodness. That’s hundreds of anal porn flicks your dick (and ass) could devour.
Or maybe you’re a boob man like me, and nothing would titillate you more peeping at titties. It’s time to whip out your weapon and cum to 127 tags dedicated purely to every type of titties in the world of porn.
Saying that porn tags are abundant here at would be an understatement. Us sex freaks will indeed find jizz worthy porno flicks here at
Now on to the best part – the actual porn videos.
When you hover over thumbnails, we get a little bit of preview in still shot form. I prefer a smooth preview over still shots of scenes, but it’s better than nothing.
The video player here at looks like every other player on other porn sites. However, you can easily skip to the hottest part by hovering over the timestamp. Not all porn sites offer a thumbnail feature on their video player. gets a point for that in my book.
It’s safe to say that knows their shit when it comes to catering porn flicks to every perv online. That doesn’t surprise me since they’ve been in the industry of smut since 1999. That’s 23 years in the porn game. I bet this site’s even older than some of you fappers out there. LOL!
They know those annoying ads are the fastest boner killers online. Sure, there are still ads since they have to get their coin to keep us all cumming for free. But the only ones I’ve seen are one skippable ad before the actual porno and some discreet ad banner that acts as a space filler on the right side of the page.
There’s nothing much to complain about here at It’s easy to focus on fapping to get your cum on. is definitely one of the pillars of free porn tube sites, and they have the quality and quantity to back it up. If you love getting premium porn flicks and HD porn vids for free, is worth adding to your bookmarks if it’s not there already.
Unless you live under a rock, you probably know how easy it is to find porn online, and anyone who watches porn on a regular basis knows that there are hundreds of free porn tube sites you can visit for your usual fix. You wankers might even have your favorite porn sites bookmarked as I do! Porn tube sites are the best way to get your fill of smut clips. There’s no denying that.
I know you horny fuckers are always on the lookout for the best ways to get the best quality porn videos online. If it’s ad free, that’s even better. Well, friends, hold on tight to your cocks. You’re in for a treat with this one.
PornBraze launched back in 2015, and they’re promising to deliver free full-length HD XXX videos and adult DVDs. We don’t just get short clips here that leave you hanging. We get a complete package of fuck – actual movies of pornographic goodness. I’d say that’s pretty fucking awesome. Most full-length pornos are only for premium users, but here at PornBraze, we cheap bastards get them for free! That makes my cock damn grateful and happy! (Thank the porn gods!)
At first glance at PornBraze, it looks like any other free porn tube online – dark mode and site colors mainly consisting of red, black, and white. It’s a layout you porn connoisseurs know so well.
You’re welcomed with the usual logo on top of the page, search bar, and tabs. Primary tabs include Home, Videos, Uncensored, HD Porn, Pornstars, Categories, Community, and Art of Zoo.Below those is the standard set of thumbnails of their featured fuck flicks. We get the typical video player plus an option to download it for free. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage, and you’ll find Popular Tags there. That makes it easy for you to access what your cock craves.
When it comes to free porn tube sites, ads are no surprise. If you don’t have it already, I suggest getting a good ad blocker. It took at least two clicks before I could play and enjoy the beginning of the porn scene. I’m not a fan of those mood-breaking extra clicks, but it’s not much of a big deal since we’re getting these sex videos for free.
One unusual thing I did notice is that the video thumbnails remain static. It would’ve been nice if I could at least take a peek and have a little taste. I may just be picking bones here, but it also would’ve been better if they’d show how long a certain video is so we’d get an idea before diving right in for a long session of fucking and sucking.
I also find it a bit disappointing that the tab for Pornstars has broken thumbnails. I was pretty excited to check out their selection of hot babes and irresistible whores only to be let down once again. But it’s not the end of the world. PornBraze still has a lot of fantastic smut to offer for your masturbatory needs.
Now that we’ve got those out of the way, let’s jump on to the good parts.
PornBraze has a total of 179 porn categories listed on its site. You’d find your usual favorites like BDSM, Big Tits, Bukkake, and Creampie, plus interesting ones like Cosplay, Egg Vibrator, Face Sitting, Female Ninja, Kimono, Tsundere, and a whole lot more! They even have one dedicated for scat play if you’re into that. Saying that PornBraze has a massive collection would be an understatement.
They also have over 40 thousand pornstars and fuckworthy models on their roster. PornBraze has over a hundred thousand videos, and that’s just their most popular ones. It’s hard not to find something that would please your palate.
PornBraze is heaven for you JAV loving dudes. The standalone Uncensored tab is made especially for you, though you’d still easily find censored JAV if that’s what’s up your alley. There is an obvious abundance of Asian Porn here on PornBraze. You’d see that the moment you load the site.
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What stood out for me is that most porno vids here on PornBraze are professionally produced and expensive-looking. We don’t get shoddy camera work that makes your dick limp or low-quality shots that would make you scratch your balls from confusion. It’s pretty hard to come by real amateur sex clips in here. But hey, we get more fap-worthy full feature flicks for no extra charge. My dick remains hard for this.
Here at PornBraze, you’d always find something to make your dick throb. With such an extensive collection of smut movies, you’d surely want to come back for more. Browse around and cum all you want to quality content for free. You won’t regret it.
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