I love how progressive we are as a society. Sure, we’re still far from perfect, but I can’t help but appreciate humankind’s overall growth.
Back in the shitty old days, interracial romance is a significant controversy. There are still racist cunts all over the world, but at least more and more people are taking action to fight racism.
Heck, back then, it was flat-out outlawed to be gay. What the fuck was that, right? Like in the whole racism issue, we still have a long way to go when it comes to eradicating homophobia totally, but at least we’re more welcoming than our homophobic ancestors.
Like those heavier topics I’ve mentioned earlier, people scoffed at anything geeky or nerdy back then. Gone are the days when people keep it on the down-low when you live and breathe geeky things like comics. Nowadays, even the hottest and the most fabulous guys and gals are into geeky stuff, and they’re all out and proud with their nerdy interests and hobbies.
Geeky things are now celebrated. Only low life losers would bully other people for liking a seemingly harmless passion. Maybe try getting a life instead of wasting time and energy raining on other people’s parades, right?
Or maybe give geeky things a chance. Who knows? You might actually have an inner geek in you waiting to be unleashed.
Not all geeks are into the same geeky stuff. Some are into anime, science fiction, video games, graphic novels, and comics, to name a few.
The nerd universe is one vast void, but I bet my wrinkly balls; there’s a perverted version of it, whatever niche you prefer.
After all, we’re all human here, and we have biological urges. It’s just that some geeks get turned on by hot illustrated ladies or cartoon pussies.
Porn comic content ranges from serious perversion to more humorous content. It’s quite a unique way to consume porn. It’s not purely just getting your cum on. Porn comics can even offer stories or great art, so it’s not just your cock (or clit) that’s getting some kind of stimulation.
If that sounds fucking exciting to you, buckle up, my fap friend. You’re in for one smexy ride.
ComixZilla.com is a site dedicated to fulfilling comic geeks’ sexual fantasies. It’s safe to say that this site aims to be the Godzilla of porn comics. It’s already in the name. Let’s see if this site lives up to its name. My cock is twitching from excitement. LOL!
First look at the site and you’re welcomed with a seemingly simple homepage. The site is in a dark mode which my shitty eyesight prefers. You also don’t have to scroll much to view the entire ComixZilla homepage. Like I’ve said, it is pretty simple – perhaps too simple.
The ComixZilla logo is right on top, followed by the main menu. Three thumbnails of featured porn comics sit right below the primary tabs, followed by 3 main navigation selections and a list of Tags.
The primary tabs consist of Home, 3D Comics, Hentai, Interracial, Western, Cartoon, More Comics, Sex Games, and a search tab. More Comics and Sex Games would take you out of ComixZilla so let’s not waste precious fap time with those. The rest of the tabs are pretty much self-explanatory, so let me go ahead and move along.
I’ve mentioned the 3 navigation selections above. Those were Go to XXX Toons, Go to All Comics page, and Read by Tag – Artist. XXX toons will take you out of ComixZilla, so that’s another time waster on this page. Go to All Comics Page will take you to ComixZilla’s entire collection of free porn comics, while Read by Tag will take you to the site’s categories.
ComixZilla has a total of 26 Categories with an even more number of tags available for visitors to explore. Here you’ll find the usual porn comic categories like Interracial, Furry, and Hentai. I’m pleasantly surprised to find a class on Mind Control here, too. If you consider yourself a porn connoisseur, you’re probably aware that it’s a pretty deep niche of porn.
It’s pretty known in the world of porn that the realm of porn comics deals with Rule 34 goodness. Here at ComixZilla, it’s not surprising to find porny renditions of cartoon and comic characters.
But I was a bit surprised to see a porn comic featuring Aggretsuko. I never thought I’d tug my cock to Aggretsuko getting drilled spread eagle. I can’t shake off the image of her juicy pussy filled with hot cum! That was definitely a nice treat for my cock, so thanks, ComixZilla!
ComixZilla needs to get their shit together. I mean, why the fuck would you hide these precious categories? They could’ve made navigating through the site a whole lot easier. I know we’re all geeks here, and we’re supposed to be smart. But even the most brilliant dude’s brain shuts down a bit when they’re painfully horny, right?
I don’t have any complaints about the actual porn comics on this site. The ones I’ve clicked on are certainly fap-worthy. The art styles may vary in each porn comic available, but I have not laid eyes on shit quality illustration here at ComixZilla.
The reading experience is pretty smooth. The comic thumbnails are arranged neatly. You have to click on a single page to be able to zoom in and read. That’s pretty fucking basic when it comes to consuming porn comics.
One thing I loved about this site is the fact that I wasn’t interrupted by boner-killing ads even though this site is all for free. Heck, I did not even encounter a single popup ad while exploring this site. That’s always a plus in my book. I know you’d appreciate that too.
Overall, ComixZilla is a dependable source of free spank material for you horny comic geeks. Hopefully, they’d sort out the kink in their navigation soon. Once they iron that shit out, ComixZilla will definitely jump up a few notches on my list of best porn comic sites.
If you love jizzing to the hottest comic sluts, consider adding ComixZilla to your bookmarks. Now go and have a happy fap session, my geeky fap friend! My work here is done.
What can I say? There are things you don’t really outgrow. These are stuff from your younger days that give you comfort when the real world is being one big cunt.
Mine is reading comics.
Before we go deep, let me just say this once and for all. There’s nothing wrong with liking “geeky” stuff. Let’s get that shit out of the way. Heck, even the normies are into it, judging from the success of comic to movie franchises we’ve had over the years.
Anyway, our modern world offers a wide range of healthy escapes from reality. You might even wonder why anyone would still read comics when there are video adaptations of those, whether in animated form or even live action.
But that’s the thing. Nothing beats the source material, after all. Besides, there is something comforting about spending a quiet afternoon flipping pages after pages and devouring volumes after volumes of comic books.
Comics are awesome. Even the most casual comic book reader would probably agree with me. Now that I’m a grown-ass adult, I’m still into reading comics. Only this time, it’s leaning more on the XXX range.
Look at it this way. Add a dash of perversion into something wholesome, and we have something even better.
That’s right, my fellow fapper. We’re whipping our dicks out to free porn comics!
Now, there’s a shit ton of porn available online, but they’re mostly catering to porn vid nuts. Finding a decent porn comic site isn’t always the easiest. I did the leg work, and I’ve seen some shit-quality porn comics online.
Sure, there’s an abundance in Rule 34 stuff, but along with that is an abundance is poor quality stuff. It’s almost unfappable. We don’t want that here.
SVSComics.com is a website where people can upload, download and share porn comics for free. It’s basically a place where you can get your grubby hands on unique cartoon porn comics, hentai manga, game babes, 3D porn, and many more.
SVSComics has over 90,000 free porn comics, and over 100 new porn comics are uploaded every day by their users. There are also over 200,000 registered members here at SVSComics.
So if you think you’re a lone comic fapper in this world, just think of that number. You might have just found your tribe.
Registration is completely free. All you need is a working email, and you’re good to go.
Once you register and log in, you can upload your own porn comics or hentai. You will also be able to bookmark all adult comics and download them in the future. On top of that, you can keep yourself up-to-date with new updates on any ongoing and incomplete porn comics.
The site has been around since 2010. That’s 12 years of serving us, horny geeks. With over a decade of experience under their belt, it’s safe to say that they know more than a thing or two about making us geeks get our cum on.
SVSComics’ homepage is pretty simple despite looking like one hot mess.
The site logo is on top, along with the main menu. Below that is what looks like a list of categories. I think this is pretty redundant since there’s already a category tab on the site’s main menu.
The rest of the page shows the site’s featured porn comic thumbnails. This is the main reason why the site looks like one hot mess.
Every thumbnail here shows a lot of information. And since every porn comic thumb here doesn’t have the same info on them, the thumbnails end up wonky and not in uniform dimensions.
Aside from the title and short description, the thumbnails also show the number of pages, file size, total downloads, the user who uploaded, the date uploaded, tags, and the free file-hosting service where you can download it.
Yup, SVSComics doesn’t host any images or files. SVSComics members use free file-hosts services like Keep2Share, FLORENfile, Fileboom, and Uploaded to share their comics, and all files are downloaded for personal use only.
The main menu consists of Home, Latest, Categories, Twitter, a search box, Login, and Register. I’ll skip bitching about those tabs that are self-explanatory (Home, Search, Twitter, etc.) and focus more on more pressing matters.
The Latest Tab shows the latest comic updates by members. They even show the update reason on the thumbnail – aside from all the info I have mentioned earlier.
On average, the latest comics page on SVSComics is updated with new comics every 4 minutes. I’ve checked, and the site has a couple of fresh updates. Some of them are from a few minutes ago. It’s that hot and fresh.
I may have bitched a bit about the thumbnails, but SVScomics redeemed themselves with this tab: The Categories tab.
Under this tab, you’ll see a list of Porn Comic Genres first. Below that is the list of SVSComics’ Most Popular Porn Categories. Next is their list of Most Popular Porn Comic Artists.
There are 5 porn comic genres here at SVSComics. Those are Cartoon Porn, Hentai, 3D Porn, Games, and Siterips.
Under the Most Popular Porn Comic Categories, there are 20 porn comic categories listed. 11 of those are porn parodies of well-known series like Gravity Falls, Simpsons, Fairly Odd Parents, and Naruto, to name a few.
There are a couple of incest themes under this list, too, like Mom & Son and Brother & Sister. These are just comics anyway, so no harm, no foul.
I’ve noticed games, too, like League of Legends, Mortal Kombat, and Fallout 4, along with spicier categories like Giantess, Furry, and Futanari.
Next, we have the list of SVSComics’ Most Popular Porn Comic Artists. There are 18 artists listed, and I instantly spotted one of the biggest names in the world of porn comics – Shadbase. On the top spot is Milftoon, followed by Y3DF, CrazyDad3D, 3DZen, and PigKing, to name a few.
Judging from the “most popular,” these aren’t SVSComics’ entire roster of categories and comic artists. However, I did not find a link that would lead to their complete list.
I did mention a list of category links on the homepage, but most of the items there are also mentioned in the Categories tab.
Most free sites have a number of annoying ads popping here and there. Here at SVSComics, I only saw a single banner ad at the bottom of the page.
I almost rejoiced because I fucking hate ads with burning passion. I thought reading porn comics here at SVSComics would be a breeze.
Boy, was I wrong!
As I’ve mentioned, SVSComics does not host anything on this site. You have to download the porn comics or redirect to a different site to have a nice porn comic-induced wank.
My browser automatically blocks the source page. You could still push to load the source site, but according to my browser, it isn’t safe. I tried a different browser, and it does the same thing. What a bummer.
Sure, I can just download the comics. But in this day and age, who still does that? I mean, unless I really like something, that’s the only time I would download it. My devices don’t have space for digital clutter.
If only visitors could safely read these seemingly delicious comics online, SVSComics would’ve been perfect. But if you don’t mind downloading shit on the internet, it could work for you.
The human mind is pretty fucking outstanding. We can almost always accomplish anything if we put our minds to it. The only limit is our imagination.
The same thing can be applied to our fap sessions. Our sick little minds seem to always find new ways to get off.
One of the unique ways to fuel your spank sesh is by beating your meat to free porn comics. I know some of you fuckers are probably scratching your hairy balls, wondering how on earth that is even possible.
Well, stick around and find the fuck out. Who knows? Porn comics might be your new favorite fap fodder.
PornComixOne seems to be a no-nonsense source of porn comics. I mean, duh! The site name can’t get any more obvious than that.
This site has been around the porn scene since 2014. That’s 8 years of serving up quirky perversion to every horny geek on the internet.
It may not sound like a long time compared to other popular and well-established porn sites, but we live in a fast-paced digital world. A decade online probably makes you ancient in modern days. LOL!
When I first saw PornComicOne’s homepage, I was a bit confused. The site’s homepage is bland as fuck.
The content of the site’s homepage is minimal as hell. You don’t even have to scroll that much to reach the bottom of the homepage.
The site logo is on the upper left-hand side of the page, with the collapsible search bar and hamburger menu on the opposite side. The rest of the page contains 8 comic thumbnails with a tag list below that.
However, there’s a button that says Go to All Comics. As it turns out, clicking on that would take you to the site’s actual content.
Think of the site’s homepage as a shop’s window display. The stuff showcased is enticing enough, but the real party begins once you’re inside.
Once you click the Go to All Comics button, the site strips a little more so you can see some shit more. But honestly, the additions were still minimal: a left sidebar that contains the site’s porn comic categories and 4 more comic titles displayed on the page.
It’s still not a lot, but it’s an upgrade compared to the site’s initial homepage.
The site’s main menu is hidden under the hamburger menu (that three-line icon). It consists of Home, Adult Comics, 3D Porn Comics, Hentai, Interracial Comics, and a link that would just take you out of the site.
I’ll stick to the essentials to save us some time. Besides, the items on the main menu are pretty self-explanatory. They’re more like some kind of filtering option instead of an actual site navigation menu.
There are 13 porn comic categories here at PornComixOne. It’s not too many, so here’s the complete list:
As you can see, there are a couple of redundancies. Heck, there’s even overlap between the site’s supposed main menu and the categories. What a hot mess!
But that’s not even the most irksome thing about this site. At some point during my stay here at PornComixOne, I had to endure a hellish loop of closing out an annoying pop-up ad.
It’s like my own personal hell! I get it. The site needed the ads to get its coin, but that was overkill. I had to close the browser tab and reload the site just to get out of that bloody fucking hell loop. What a trip.
As for viewing the actual porn comics, that experience was pretty smooth sailing for a hot minute. That is until another ad pops up for no fucking reason.
Seriously, man. I almost rage-quitted this site.
Sure, there is an abundance of Rule 34 goodness (which my cock loves) here at PornComixOne, but the ads are too much. I’m here to fap, not spend most of my time trying to close those pesky ads. That shit almost makes the site unusable.
The site design and layout could be better. The navigation and filtering options are a hot mess. On top of those, the site is infested with ads.
If you want a better experience, check out the other reviews here at The Porn Guide. There are a couple of more fap-worthy sites than this one.
Growing up, my buds and I would always hang out and swap comics whenever we got new volumes in our humble collections, and we all did that shit in person. There’s also the option to ring up your bud’s landline, but your mum would probably hit you in the head if you spend too much time on the telephone.
Those things were common among young ‘uns back in the day. You see, I lived in a world where life primarily existed outside the realm of the internet. I’m pretty much exposing how ancient I am, but not all households had access to decent internet connections back then.
There came a time when mobile phones became a bit more mainstream. They did come with data access, but that shit is far from cheap. I can still remember the mini heart attacks I’d get to close the damn mobile browser, or else my mum would kill me for racking up those damn extra charges on my phone bill. LOL!
Nowadays, as long as you have an internet connection, you can talk and connect with your buds without leaving the safety of your home. Heck, you can pretty much get everything online and have it delivered to your doorstep or consume it straight from your computer screens.
The internet brought a massive change in the way we consume things. Gone are the days of swapping actual physical comics, for a lot of comic creators go for the cheaper digital route. Besides that, tons of shit went full-on digital, too, like streaming sites and even news networks.
And with that, the way we consume porn changed too.
Getting porn online was not an everyday occurrence in my younger years. Now you have the freedom to access porn anytime you get the urge to do so. Just whip out your smartphone along with your dick, and you’re all set.
You might’ve noticed me mentioning comics a couple of times above. If it’s still not obvious enough, let me go ahead and say it straight up. I fucking love comics, graphic novels, and even manga. I’ll always be a geek at heart, and I bear no shame in that.
Since spending so much time with these illustrated characters, it’s no surprise I’d soon fall in love or lust with most of them. Can you blame me, though? Not only are they illustrated nicely, but the comic writers also did pretty well in building their characters.
What’s not to love?
Well, some of you wankers would argue that they’re not even real people. I’d say screw those uncultured swine. Leave us geeks to our comics and focus on your normie ass hobbies like picking belly button lint or something. LOL!
I’ve been wanking to these illustrated ladies since I was a wee, pimply lad.
The cock wants what the cock wants, and I don’t have the strength nor the moral capacity to stop myself from wanking to those hot comic babes. I mean, can you blame me? Check out any female comic character, and the first thing you’ll probably notice is how hot they are!
My fellow pervy geeks would understand. These comic babes might not be entirely naked, but their curves are enough to spark a fire in our geeky loins. Those comic artists really know what they’re doing!
Imagine my surprise when one of my buds told me about porn comics! Yup, it blew my mind. This time, we geeks can cum to actual comic cunts! I bet that shit blew your brains out, too, when you first heard of it.
And like most things in this world, the best way to get them for free is through porn comic sites.
Usually, when people say comics, the first thing you’d think of is western style comics. I love all kinds of comics, but lately, I seem to be having some sort of Asian fever.
That’s right, my friend. I’m talking about manga or Japanese comics.
Mangas are on a whole different ball game. The art style is distinctly different from western comics. Not everyone might be into it, but it can be an acquired taste like most foreign things. And just like western comics, there’s a porn-y side to these Asian comics as well.
That’s right, bud. I told you we’re going on a journey, and this time we’re veering towards the world of hentai.
MyHentaiComics.com is a site dedicated to fueling your freaky fap sessions with free hentai comics. They’ve been around since 2014. That’s 8 years of service to you hentai heathens.
The moment you load up the site, you’d be welcomed by a completely naked Katara with tits squished down while her bare ass hangs in the air, ready for prone bone. I know that’s a mouthful, but I can’t help it, man. I’ve always had the hots for Katara since I saw Avatar: The Last Airbender.
The site’s logo is above that gratuitous scenery, followed by the main menu. The rest of the site is dedicated to showcasing hentai comic thumbnails.
The main menu consists of Home, Random Comic, All Categories, Most Popular, Support/Feedback, and Buy Merchandise, among other things. You’ll also find a couple of featured categories in here, like 3D, Furry, Futanari, Gay, Lesbian, Incest, Superheroes, and the ever-famous Tentacle porn.
A lot of stuff in the main menu is self-explanatory, so let’s not waste any more precious fap time on those.
There are 75 hentai comic categories you can choose from here at MyHentaiComics. You’ll find the usual hentai porn categories like Ahegao, Anal, Bukkake, Gangbang, Gloryhole, Harem, MILF, Solo, and many more.
Since we’re dealing with hentai, it’s no surprise to find a couple more scandalous categories like Beastiality (yup, they spelled it that way), Mind Control/Hypnosis, Rape, and Urination, to name a few.
I’m pretty surprised to see categories on Vore/Unbirth and Weight Gain too. Vore porn caters to those who have an erotic desire or sexual fantasy to be consumed or to consume another. It’s a particular kind of kink, and I must say that most porn sites don’t have that.
It’s safe to say that MyHentaiComics sure has an impressive choice of hentai comics available for all you depraved little shits.
Some of you prudish fuckers might be startled by the number of deeper niches available here at MyHentaiComics. It’s no surprise that the world is full of morally corrupt pricks. But just because they get off on an off-beat path doesn’t mean they’d actually cross that shit over to real life.
These are just porn comics anyway. It’s all fantasy, so no harm, no foul. The only real thing here is your cum shooting out of your cock from fapping to these faptacular comics.
When your cock points to a specific comic thumbnail, just click on it, and you’re free to fap away. It’s that easy!
Now, in navigating the pages, you can either click on the sides of the page to move forward and back or just use your keyboard’s arrow keys. As I said, it’s that damn easy.
You also have the option to download newer comics fully. MyHentaiComics provided a button for quick access. However, some of the older comics seem to be missing this feature. I’d say the download button is still a pretty neat detail.
The art quality of porn comics available pretty much varies depending on the artist. But the resolution is consistently good. Us nerds with shit eyesight don’t have to press your greasy ass noses close to the screen. On top of that, I barely noticed the ads. That kind of shit garners appreciation in my house!
Overall, MyHentaiComics is a pretty reliable source of Rule 34 goodness. If you love comics and hentai, you’d definitely want this added to your racy repertoire.
There are countless ways to get yourself off. I’m talking about different types of porn to fuel your fap sessions.
Nowadays, the most common way to consume porn is by watching sex videos or erotic clips online. Others still prefer to get off on nude or sexy pics, while a select few prefer jacking off to the written word.
I don’t know about you, but porn vids are too vulgar for me. Don’t get me wrong. They are boner-inducing. There’s no question about that, but they’re too in your face for me. Ya feel me, bud?
I’m not literate enough to get off purely by the written word. I can tolerate a few lines before getting bored, and sexy pics do not always do it for me.
Good thing skillful wankers came up with porn comics! It surely is a blessing from the porn gods – at least for me.
Suppose you’re looking for a different way to get off or just in search of an out-of-the-ordinary way to consume adult entertainment; hang tight, my fap friend. This one is definitely for you.
8Muses is a porn comic site where you can get your filthy little hands on free sex comics and adult cartoons. It’s practically the site for you fuckers who have a bit of peter pan syndrome going on or something. LOL!
If Scam Adviser is not mistaken, 8Muses has been serving horny geeks since 2012. That’s about 10 years of dishing out cumtastic comics for us degenerates online.
With about a decade of existence in the porn comic world, it’s safe to say that 8Muses knows more than a thing or two when it comes to pleasing our geeky and lusty needs. Let’s see if this site can keep up with the times.
The homepage of 8Muses is pretty sleek. It definitely does not look outdated like other sites from ten years ago.
The site logo is on the upper left-hand side, along with the hamburger menu (that three-line icon) and home icon. On the opposite side, you’ll find the site’s login button as well as the sorting option where you can opt to view the content here on 8Muses by Views, Likes, Date, A-Z.
The rest of the page showcases comic source sites and actual porn comic titles. There’s not much info available in the thumbnails. All we get is the title or site source name and the cover or featured image. A few sneaky ads are pretending to be one of the site’s comic thumbnails, so be wary of that.
8Muses is optimized for mobile use, so you wankers can enjoy porn comics on the go.
I’d also give an extra point for the site’s logo – the number 8 stylized with some pointy devil horns. It’s simple and easy to remember.
The site’s primary tabs are hidden under the hamburger menu. It consists of Recently Updated, More Content, Forum, Sex Games, Best OnlyFans Sluts, a search bar, an option to subscribe to 8Muses’ newsletter, and the link to the site’s newsletter archive.
The last two tabs will take you out of 8Muses, so I’ll skip those entirely.
Clicking on the Recently Updated tab will show you the site’s recent updates in the last 7 days. Unfortunately, there have been no updates in the last week as of writing.
It’s hard to tell when the latest update was here at 8Muses since none of the comics have dates in them. You can utilize the Date filter in the site’s sorting option. However, there’s still no way to tell if you’re viewing the latest or the earliest available comic.
I know, man. It’s one hot, steaming pile of mess.
The More Content tab has a couple of sub-tabs that consists of Various Comic Authors, Fake Celebrities Sex Pictures, Hentai and Manga in English, Fakku, and 8Muses Comics. The More Content tab is basically the closest thing we could compare to categories in most porn sites.
The Various Comic Authors tab is pretty self-explanatory. Elaborating on that is probably an insult to your intellect. LOL!
If you caught the Asian fever or just simply craving something a little less western, click on the Hentai and Manga in English tab. Here you’ll find a fuckton of Rule 34 treats featuring your favorite anime characters.
I spotted some original hentai manga content, but I’m not turning down the chance to see Hinata from Naruto get down and dirty!
For the frugal fappers who still want a premium porn comic experience, head on to the Fakku tab. For those who are not familiar with Fakku.net, it is a paid or premium hentai site.
Here at 8Muses, you can tug your cock into a couple of Fakku’s porn comics for free! Now that’s heaven for horny heathens like you and me!
If you want to check out 8Muses’ original porn comics, click on the 8Muses Comics sub-tab. This sub-tab is a bit of a disappointment since we only get a single issue of 8Muses original titled The Teacher of my Dreams. I hope 8Muses drops more volumes, as this one has all the potential to make a regular faptacular spank session fuel!
I was puzzled as fuck about the existence of the Fake Celebrities Sex Pictures sub-tab. I mean. Anyone who checks out 8Muses probably only expected to see explicit comics.
Not a single horny soul would expect to see some fake celeb nude pics on a porn comic site. It’s not what’s expected, but I’d say it’s still a pleasant surprise.
The quality of the fake celeb nudes here varies from utter shit to actually believable. I’m here for the porn comics, so I did not spend much time in this sub-tab.
Let’s move on to better things.
The Forums tab will take you to 8Muses’ message board. Here you can discuss sex comics, 8Muses, and hentai and even share your own porn comic collection.
The site’s Forum looks like those ancient forums comprised of threads about various relevant topics. You’d think forums are obsolete in the modern day, but this section is very much alive and kicking with thread updates from a few minutes ago.
If you want to partake in the discussions here at 8Muses’ Forums, all you need is a working email, and you’re good to go.
But don’t mistake this as your site’s login details. Registering in the Forums section would only get you full access to the threads.
If you want an actual account on 8Muses’ main site, you need to have an invite before you can log in. You don’t really need an account to view most of the comics on the site, but becoming a site member would grant you access to “members only” comics.
Viewing and reading the porn comics here at 8Muses is smooth as fuck. Just click on your preferred title and fap away.
Navigating the comic pages is pretty easy. You can either click on the page to view next, use your arrow keys, or swipe left and right for mobile users.
Since the porn comics here at 8Muses are from various sources, the art style and overall comic quality vary as well. But fret not fellow fapper. I can assure you that most, if not all comics here at 8Muses are definitely worth all your baby batter.
I highly recommend adding 8Muses to your bookmarks if you love porn comics and hentai. No wonder this site survived for years. It’s that awesome!
Perhaps one of the most unique ways to get your fap on is by consuming porn comics. Sure, the internet is bursting with free porn tube sites – popping up here and there with their shit user interface and sometimes an even shittier selection of free porn pics and vids.
Not everyone is into porn vids anyway. I’ve met a couple of like-minded individuals who prefer the subtler faptastic art of porn comics or even hentai.
With porn comics, you won’t only get pretty porny pictures. Aside from a nice plot, sometimes you get a bit of humor thrown in too.
You won’t get that kind of laugh from porn pics or even actual porn vids. Unless you consider “Lemon stealing whore” the epitome of modern comedy. That shit is laughable, but not in the best way possible.
If you’re a fellow fapper with substance, buckle up, bud. This one might just hit the right spots.
JABComix.com is the official site of adult cartoon artist who refer to themselves as JAB. I can’t really find much about this dude anywhere else, but according to his official Twitter account, this guy is a cartoon porn illustrator working on adult comics and 18+ webcomics.
JABComix has been around since 2003. That’s 19 years of experience in creating comics in the world of porn.
It all started in 1995.
JAB has been enjoying drawing cartoon sex parodies and adult comics for all to enjoy. In an effort to keep doing what he loves most and actually try to make a living out of this passion, JAB launched JABComix.com as a subscription-based website.
That’s right, bud. You’d have to pay a pretty penny to enjoy JABComix porn comics. But patience, my pervy padawan. I’ll talk about the monetary damage you’d have to take in a bit.
JABComix is basically JAB’s turf on the interwebs. It’s the place where JAB shares all of his original comics and even exclusive art for his site’s registered members.
It’s safe to say that JABComix has amassed quite a loyal following throughout the years. Everyone behind the site is working hard to bring us fappers the greatest XXX adult comics with their original and parody series.
Classic favorites and new originals are constantly in development and fresh content is always coming here at JABComix. Stick around and you might even become an instant fan of this wank worthy work of pornographic art.
Before you can get inside JABComix, you’d have to go through the site’s age disclaimer and terms and conditions. Hide your little spawns. Only 18+ wankers are supposedly welcome here.
You can also view the site in Spanish if “no habla inglés.” LOL! Forgive my sucky Spanish. I only barely passed that wretched class years ago.
Once you’re finally inside JABComics, a seemingly simple homepage. The site logo is on top, along with a hamburger menu. Below is a welcome message followed by a couple of Current Feature comics.
The left sidebar shows the site’s navigation options: Home, Tour, Comix, Join, Login, and Tutorial. Below that is an option where you can opt-in to JABComix’s newsletter to receive major JABComix news, updates, and free content delivered right to your email.
The right sidebar shows the Latest Updates and a couple of site member testimonials.
Scroll a bit down, and you’ll see more featured comics, as well as the link to take the site’s digital tour.
If you’re not yet a JABComix member, take the tour to have an idea of what you’re about to dip your cock into.
As a JAB member, you’ll gain access to loads of exclusive JAB comics, parodies, sketches, miscellaneous content, and a whole lot more.
There are hundreds of original pin-ups here at JABComics. Their dedicated team of talented artists has too many ideas for hot girls in their heads, and the result of that overflow is their extensive variety of sexy cartoon pin-ups.
Rule 34 doesn’t begin to describe the perverse things these lovelies are doing for your eyes only. They have been doing this erotic art thing for almost two decades after all.
There are also a couple of JAB games and JAB animations created by JAB, JAB staff, and JAB contributors. Here you’ll see popular parody toons and your favorite characters from the JAB universe in motion and interactive animations.
But that’s not all.
Every once in a while, JABComix holds an Art Contest based on certain themes such as XXXMas, Cheerleaders, MILFs, Nurses, Schoolgirls, and many more. Site members can cast their vote to choose the winner. On top of that, site members get to see their archives of all past and present art contests, along with the winners and poll results.
The next stop on the virtual tour is the site’s exclusive porn comic titles.
I must say, JABComix really went ham in naming these porn comics. Americunt Dragon is so damn witty; I just have to see more of that shit.
Now, you can click on a few thumbnails here to get a bit more information about a particular porn comic. However, not all of the titles are available for a little sneak peek.
Still, it’s better than nothing at all.
JABComix members also get access to a vast archive of artist sketches.
Let’s be real. Not all ideas make it up the chopping block. But that doesn’t mean they’re not boner-inducing.
Here at JABComix, members can check out original sketches, character sheets, and scene designs. Heck, you might even spot rough ideas that might turn into the most faptacular porn comic in the future.
Talk about early bird access!
I’ve mentioned earlier that JABComix is a subscription-based website. Now, if you want to get your grubby hands to exclusive porn comics, prepare to pay up.
Here at JABComics, you can choose from various membership options.
For 24.95 US dollars, you’d get a Gold Membership – payment recurring monthly.
Regular monthly membership costs $15.95.
If you want to save a bit of cash, a three-month recurring regular membership costs $40.95. That’s almost seven dollars less than the usual monthly amount.
The best deal is the $75.95 for 6-month regular membership that’s also recurring.
But if you can’t fully commit to a monthly recurring payment, JABComics offers a one-time charge of $19.95 for one month’s membership that’s not recurring.
And if you’re wondering about what’s the difference between Gold membership and regular membership, Gold Membership includes access to the exclusive Comic Explorer in addition to Regular Membership content.
Here’s my favorite section here at JABComics: the Tutorial tab.
Any avid comic reader probably attempted to create their own comics – no matter how shitty the actual outcome is. Here at JABComics, they’re pretty generous at giving tips to fellow comic lovers and budding comic artists.
There’s a step-by-step tutorial you can follow under this tab. Every step listed has a lot of information backed up by helpful visuals. Follow these steps, and who knows? You might even create your own pornographic masterpiece.
Overall, JABComix satiates your hunger for fap-worthy comics and even dishes out desserts for all members. And since you’re paying, you’d definitely get your money’s worth. You won’t see a single shitty comic like most free comic sites do – just pure porn comic goodness.
Not all of us get off on the same thing. Just look at most porn sites. They have multiple categories and even more tags to cater to every wankers’ numerous needs.
Believe it or not, some people aren’t even into porn vids – like yours truly. They seem too “in your face” for me. And don’t get me started on the fake-ass moans. Nothing could make my dick limp than the sound of a girl who’s obviously faking it. I know a few men of culture would agree with me on that one.
Dirty pics can do the job, but there are days when I need something more than a still shot. And when my imagination needs a little break, I turn to porn comics. It tickles the dick with those sexy illustrations, plus we get a sliver of a plot to add a little bit of mental stimulation.
There’s no denying that wanking to porn comics is one of the unique ways to get off if you’ve never done it before. You might think these things are for geeks – not that there’s anything wrong with being one. But don’t shun porn comics too quickly. If not a full-on wank, you might get a chuckle or two. Humor is sexy, after all.
If your eyes need a break from the usual porn stuff, hang tight. You’re about to have a special spank session with this one.
Welcomix prides itself as the best XXX comics and cartoon website. They have hundreds of amazing illustrations, cartoons, tales, and comics that are full of hot women, fun, and sex. They even have over 200 comic titles that continue to grow to this day.
The site is also optimized for mobile users. As it should since most of us probably consume media on our little screens.
Everything here at Welcomix is a hundred percent original and exclusive. Yup, you won’t find these goodies anywhere else – only here at Welcomix.com.
They’ve been on the illustrated side of porn since 2016. That’s about 6 years of experience in dishing out porn comics. I wouldn’t say they’ve been in it for too long to the point of being an OG, but they probably know more than a thing or two in the porn game.
Loading up the site prompts an age verification popup first before you can enter and enjoy Welcomix. The little brats can keep out. The adults are out to play (which is pretty much well-deserved after working your butts off).
Once in, visitors are welcomed with an image slideshow carousel of Welcomix’s featured titles with the site logo and main menu above it. The image of The Simptoons (The Simpsons parody) is now ingrained in my brain. The site looks promising so far.
Scroll a bit down, and you’ll see more comic titles along with a short description.
I did not see a single ad on the homepage. Welcomix is really racking up points in my book. Let’s see if Welcomix keeps it up.
The main menu consists of Home, All Series, All Titles, FAQ, Contact, and the Login and Join Now buttons. A lot of these tabs are pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll focus more on the important stuff: the actual porn comics.
There are 15 series under the All Series tab. I easily spotted other Rule 34 stuff (aside from The Simptoons) like The Flintstoons, which is obviously a parody of The Flintstones, and Blockbuster Comics, which shows some of the biggest Hollywood films portrayed in porn comics like The Titanic, Star Wars, and many more.
I never thought I’d get off on Fred Flintsone getting it on with his mother-in-law Pearl Slaghoople, but here I am. I’d say don’t knock it until you try it. This shit is pretty good!
Another title that caught my eye (and cock) is Michelle’s Diary. According to the title description, it’s the intimate diary of a virgin nymphet, in which she tells her most shocking stories and secrets. Not only will you follow her life, but you can also even help her decide on things like if she should shave out all her pussy hair or leave a nice little landing strip. It’s a nice treat for those who are secretly control freaks.
I now get why the site isn’t peppered with ads. Welcomix is a premium porn comic site. You have to pay up to become a member and read these devilishly delicious adult comics.
Full and unlimited access to Welcomix content will cost you a whopping 14.99 US dollars for a period of 30 days. That costs close to a monthly Netflix subscription. It’s pretty hefty, but you pay for the quality.
I get it, man. The stuff here is pretty good. It feels illegal not to pay up. I just wish Welcomix had a cheaper option like a day pass or something for the less fortunate fappers like me. LOL!
Some things might seem like a good deal at first for being cheaply priced, but you’ll soon realize that the quality is close to shit. It’s almost like you threw money away for nothing.
That’s the thing with Welcomix. Everything here is exclusive stuff. Sure, there are loads of free porn comic sites on the internet, but most are ridden with the most annoying ads. It makes the whole reading experience a total nightmare.
You don’t get that kind of crap here at Welcomix. The illustrative styles of the comics here may vary, but all of them are of amazing quality. I even had to pause from beating my meat to appreciate the different art styles!
If you like comics and you love porn, Welcomix is perfect for you. Go ahead and treat yourself. You damn well deserve it.
When you think of porn, the first thing that comes to mind would probably be porn videos or porn pics. But believe it or not, not everyone is into those.
There are different ways to get your cum on, as there are different types of porn to fuel your fap sessions. Different strokes for different folks, right?
Perhaps one of the unique ways to consume porn is through porn comics. It’s not too in your face like explicit pics and XXX flicks.
On top of that, you get a bit of plot but not the cringe kind like those from porn movies. Yeah, the Lemon Stealing Whore is imprinted on my brain.
Now, I can’t imagine how hard it is to get your hands on porn that actually satisfies your needs. I mean, sure, whatever it is that makes your cock come alive exists even then. Getting them is an entirely different story.
Good thing almost everything is on the internet nowadays. Whatever it is that makes your cock throb, there’s probably a site dedicated to that.
So if you’re interested in an entirely different way to fuel your spank session, sit tight. We’re diving into the world of porn comics with this one.
Palcomix is a free porn comic site that focuses mainly on porn parodies. The site literally claims to be the home of adult cartoon porn comic parody. It’s safe to say that you’re in the realm of Rule 34 goodies here at Palcomix.
According to Scam Adviser, the site domain seems to have been up since 2005. But on the site’s footer, it looks like the current version of Palcomix has only been up since 2016. Either way, that’s still a couple of experiences in dishing out cumtastic porn parodies in comic form.
The site’s homepage is a hundred percent cartoon-y in every sense. The site logo is on top with a couple of furry friends that seem to be the site’s supposed mascots.
Next is the site’s main menu, followed by porn comic cover images. Now, clicking on these saucy porn images would take you elsewhere, so be wary of that. However, these sites seem to be related to Palcomix anyway, so there’s not much harm in clicking on them.
Scroll a bit down, and you’ll see the site’s Featured Comics, which are original stories and original characters made by exclusive artists.
Clicking on these thumbnails would redirect you again elsewhere. At this point, it’s as if Palcomix would rather have you get your porn comic fix anywhere else rather than on their site. LOL!
The next items you’ll see are a couple of ads. Palcomix is a free porn site, after all. Ads are necessary to keep the site up and running. They need to get their coin, too, right?
The first set of Palcomix titles you’ll see are the site’s Free Comics and Stories in Process. The comics on this list are updated every two or three days, and those that are newly updated are highlighted in orange.
This list doesn’t actually show a comic thumbnail, but we get a little square character image that’s accompanied by a couple of information like title, date updated, writer, original title it was parodied from, and themes or tags.
Right off the bat, I spotted My Little Pony porn parody as well as Mario Brothers, among other things.
Below the featured comic list is a massive image that would link to Mobius Unleashed – a premium porn comic site.
I know, man. The site’s homepage is a lot to take in, and we’re not even done yet.
After that humongous image link, you’ll finally see the list of All Pal Comics Finished (By Series). This list is literally all the finished comics available here at Palcomix. It’s one long as fuck list.
There are 523 finished lewd comics done so far, but more of the good stuff is coming soon. A hot illustration of Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog says so. LOL!
This list shows a couple of information like Parody Of, Title, Author, and Contains. It doesn’t make sense when you look at it without context, but when you see it, you’d understand.
I’ll talk more about the comics in a bit, so hang tight. We’re still dissecting the site’s homepage. I know, bud. It really is a lot, and we’re still not fucking done.
Scroll down a bit more, and you’ll see the list of Comics On Hold. These comics are basically waiting for funds from the original commissioner or waiting for a sponsor.
Last but not least, there’s a section called Monthly Interviews With Our Beloved Writers found at the bottom of the site’s homepage.
The site’s main menu consists of Comics, Gallery, Discord, 3D Modeling, Pal VIP, and Mobius Unleashed.
The Discord tab is basically a link to the site’s Discord channel. Clicking on 3D Modeling and Mobius Unleashed will take you elsewhere, so let’s not waste any more of your precious fap time detailing that shit.
As for the Pal VIP, don’t be fooled into clicking that tab if you want to remain at Palcomix.com. Yup, that tab will also take you to a different site.
Now, the Comics tab is basically the site’s homepage. No wonder it would take you forever to reach the bottom of the homepage. Palcomix literally laid out all their cards in one go.
I did not see a search bar, so if you want to search for something specific, you’d have to fit CTRL+F to find whatever it is that you’re looking for.
For some odd reason, the Gallery tab wouldn’t load at all. I tried loading the site on my tablet and phone if it’s my internet service provider, but all of my mobile browsers flat-out refused to load Palcomix.com.
Google even gave out a warning that says visiting this site might harm your computer. What a fucking bummer.
A lot of the comics listed on this site are for specific premium site members only too. I tried clicking on the free titles, but I had trouble loading them up as well.
Overall, the site is one huge disappointment. I had high hopes for Palcomix since I saw a lot of unique and interesting parodies like Hey Arnold, Ed Edd and Eddy, The Flintstones, Megaman, Phineas and Ferb, Samurai Pizza Cats, and many more.
I say it’s better if you don’t waste any more time with this one. There are better free porn comic sites out there. Save yourself from further disappointments and check out the reviews here at The Porn Guide.
You’re better off spending your time fapping to other sites. Palcomix just isn’t it.
Not everyone gets off on the same thing. We’re all different people anyway. You know how the saying goes – different strokes for different folks.
That’s the beauty of the legit porn industry. As long as it’s not outlawed, you can definitely get your cum on. You’re free to choose whatever spank material works for you best.
In my case, it’s porn comics. There’s just something about these titillating tales that make my cock twitch like no other.
Sure, porn pics and XXX vids would still warrant a boner if not a full-on fap session. But there are days when I want to come back to old comforting habits like reading comics. Only this time, it’s with adult comics. I am a grown-ass adult, after all. LOL!
Lately, I’ve been into a different kind of porn comics. I seem to have found myself smacked right in the middle of an Asian invasion.
That’s right, bud. I’m talking about hentai comics or hentai manga.
Hentai2Read is a hentai porn comic site created by a small group of friends who enjoy reading hentai in their spare time. At first, these fellow depraved dudes made Hentai2Read to be merely a storage spot for their favorite hentai, but it grew into a way bigger site than they initially anticipated.
I’m glad it grew into a huge hentai comic site. Finding a decent hentai comic to wank on can be a great feat with the internet’s vast wasteland of shit content.
The site seems to have been around since 2015. That’s about 7 years of service to us pervs.
Hentai2Read’s homepage does not look like any other porn comic site or any porn site for that matter. It took me more than a hot minute to figure this shit out.
For starters, there’s a set of icons on the left side of the page that remains static as you scroll down. When you mouse over that block, it will reveal the site’s main menu. While hovering your cursor on the opposite side would reveal a list of trending hentai titles along with some sorting features.
The search box is on top of the homepage, along with a Hentai Games external link and the Login button. Below is a nice little header that says Welcome to Hentai2Read with the FAQ button and actual hentai games here at Hentai2Read.
Before you get to the hentai comic thumbnails, you’d have to go through the huge ad banner first, a couple of links like Staff Pick, and two more that would take you elsewhere again. I know, man. There are loads of links that shoo you off the site. It almost feels unwelcoming.
After all the clutter, visitors would finally see thumbnails. There’s not much info on the thumbnail, but when you mouse over them, it would reveal the category, tags, number of views, number of pages, and rating.
The rest of the page sorts hentai titles by Reading Now, Reader Recommendation, Newly Completed, and Recently Upload. Yeah, yeah. The grammar looks pretty wonky, but that’s not me. That’s all on Hentai2Read.
Hentai2Read’s main menu consists of Home, Directory, Tag Directory, Forum, Advanced Search, Ranking, Surprise, Hentai Games, FAQs, Affiliates, and Legals. I’ll skip a butt load of those because they’re either self-explanatory or would just take you out of Hentai2Read again.
The Directory tab is a drop-down menu that would let you filter hentai comics by Most Popular, Trending, Newest, Top Rating, Doujinshi, Tankoubon, Boy Love (Yaoi), Girl Love (Yuri), and All Hentai.
If you’re a frequent consumer of anything hentai, you probably know most of those. I won’t insult your intelligence by over-explaining them, so let’s move along.
Doujin basically shows doujinshi titles. That’s pretty much what it’s about.
There are 27 hentai categories here at Hentai2Read. Here you’ll find typical hentai types like Ecchi, Futanari, Harem, Lolicon, and Shotacon, to name a few. There are even spicier categories listed here. See for yourself and decide if you can handle the heat.
Check out the tag list if you’re looking for something a little more specific. Here you’ll find even more in-depth hentai niches like Tsundere, Monster Sex, Inari, Netorare, and many more.
Heck, if you think the spicier categories were already hot, there are even more scandalous tags in here. So brace yourself for the impact.
But if you still want to dive deeper into the hentai hole, check out Hentai2Read’s Advance Search feature.
With such extensive sorting and filtering options to the point of confusion, you might have a hard time settling with a hentai comic to consume. Click on the Ranking tab and choose from the Top 10 Most Read Manga here at Hentai2Read. There’s a Daily Ranking, Weekly Ranking, Monthly Ranking, and Overall Ranking.
If that’s still too much for you, click on Surprise and let the site decide for you.
Overall, Hentai2Read is a great source of hentai comics. A couple of ads are peppered all over the site, but your reading time would remain uninterrupted. Hentai2Read even has a Gaming Area if you need a break from reading.
I highly recommend Hentai2Read to any hentai aficionado out there. Try it for yourself, and I bet you’d agree with me too.
In our overly sexualized society, sometimes, we just need something a little more mellow – a palate cleanser, if you must. But that doesn’t mean I would totally rule out anything that has the potential to be some prime fap material.
Porn picture sites are a nice alternative to porn vids, but my imagination is not vivid enough to make up fap tales in my head. Erotic story sites are too wordy. My attention span can’t keep up with too many letters. LOL!
The best intersection of it all would probably be porn comics. It’s not too in-your-face like porn flicks with its awkward acting and piss-poor plot, but still not as drab as porn pics or erotic lit – just the right amount of plot and perversion.
Some porn comics even mix art, lust, and humor. It makes quite a unique fap fodder. Some of you might turn your cock away from porn comics, but give it a try. You might even surprise yourself.
So if your cock is craving a different flavor of fuck, stick around. Porn comics might be your new favorite way to entertain yourself and even get your cum on.
XyzComics is a porn site where you can dip your cock into XXX comics. Whether you’re looking for some hentai, western comics, or even 3D erotic art, this is the online place to be.
The site has been serving as a great intersection for various types of porn comics since 2015. That’s about 7 years of dishing out quirky fap material for horny geeks and casual comic fappers alike.
Even if you’re just plain curious as to what porn comics can add to your spank session, you’re more than welcome to explore the site. So please stick with me, and let’s dive right in.
The site’s homepage is pretty simple. You don’t even have to scroll far to reach the bottom of the homepage, but the homepage is packed with a couple of details.
Let’s explore the world of XyzComics.
The site logo is on top of the page, followed by the main menu. Below the primary tabs are another menu where you can find the toggle for the site’s theme, the All Mix link, and the search icon.
Before we get to the thumbnails, you’ll see three buttons. The first one is where you can browse XyzComics’ 18,000 plus porn comics, while the other button would take you out of the site and to a whole new different porn comic site entirely. I’ll skip the latter and reserve that for a different day.
The third button is specified as Read by All Most Popular TAGS. It’s basically a shortcut to one of the site’s primary tabs, so I’ll elaborate on that in a bit – just have a little more patience.
Last but not least, site visitors will see 8 thumbnails that feature the site’s new comics and updates. There’s not much information on the thumbnails. They’re just plain images. However, mousing over the images would show you the comic titles.
At the bottom of the homepage, you’ll find the link to view all of the site’s comics, as well as the contact link. When you click the Show All Comics button, the page will load and show you the site’s Latest Comics Gallery with the pagination links at the bottom.
Not going to lie, bud. The site’s navigation is a bit confusing at first. The Show All Comics button threw me off. It’s not really showing all the comics, but it would link you to the Latest Comics Gallery.
The overall design and interface of XyzComics aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing, but the option to view the site in light or dark mode gets them a point in my book. Light mode is easier on the eyes when fapping in broad daylight, after all.
The site’s main menu is made up of Home, 3D Comics, Interracial, Hentai, XXX Comics, By Artist, All Tags, and Pornsites. Home is basically the site’s homepage, and Pornsites are links that would take you out of the site, so let’s not waste any more of our precious fap time dabbing on those.
The 3D Comics tab is a dropdown menu. Mousing over it would show you Crazydad 3D, PigKing, MoiArte3D, and Hijab 3DX. You can also click on the 3D Comics tab to view all of the site’s 3D comics as well as the tags related to 3D porn comics like 3dbimbos, 3dk-x, 3DMidnight, and many more.
The Interracial tab is also a dropdown menu that consists of John Persons, Kaos Comics, BNW Comics, Rabies, Illustrated Interracial, Duke Hardcore, and PoonNet Comics. Just like the 3D comics tab, clicking on the Interracial tab will show you the site’s latest interracial comics as well as a couple of tags.
If you’re a weeb wanker or just looking for a different porn comic flavor, head to the Hentai tab. Here you’ll see some Rule 34 goodness featuring your favorite anime like Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and many more.
If you’re more of a video game geek, you’ll find porn comics featuring those under the Hentai tab as well. Chun-Li from Street Fighter seems to be a favorite here at XyzComics. I even spotted some original hentai manga titles under this tab if you’re looking for some fresh stuff.
When you click on the tabs mentioned above, the site will display a sidebar that contains a few tags, a couple of ad banners, and a category list. More on this in a bit.
The XXX Comics tab is another dropdown menu. It consists of Superman Heroes, Iceman Blue, Mana World, MCC (Mind Control Comics), Seiren, Lustomic, and ZZZ. Unlike the previous tabs, the XXX Comics tab is not clickable.
Now the previous tabs are basically connected to the All Tags tab. The All Tags tab is where you’re supposed to find all the tags and porn comic categories – emphasis on “supposed.”
For some odd reason, the only tags listed are those starting with the letter A. The other tags are pretty much hidden at this point. But if you know what you’re looking for, just utilize the site’s search feature.
As for the categories, there are 10 porn comic categories under this tab. However, in the sidebar under the 3D Comics, Interracial, and Hentai tab, there are 11 categories listed.
Here are the 10 porn comic categories listed under the All Tags tab:
The additional category on the sidebar is Gilftoon.
Now, some of the categories here are other porn comic sites. You can visit those sites one by one, but XyzComics compiled some for its visitors for quick access.
If you prefer to browse porn comics by their creator, check out the By Artist tab. Just like the XXX Comics tab, this tab is a dropdown menu, but it’s not clickable like the other tabs.
There are 18 artists listed under the Artists tab, like Aya Yanagisawa, Fred Perry, Lemon Font, SuperSheela, and Transmorpher DDS, to name a few.
Once you’ve chosen a porn comic to consume, the nightmare begins.
Don’t get me wrong. The quality and navigation are pretty seamless. All you have to do is click on a page to enter the slideshow view. From there, you can use your arrow keys or click on next/previous to navigate the porn comic pages. You can zoom in for a better view too.
The art style and quality vary, but most of them are pretty ace. It all depends on the artist’s style and your taste in art.
What annoys me to death are the popup ads. Closing one would trigger another ad that opens in a new tab. You could even accidentally close the tab that contains the porn comic you’re about to enjoy. That shit happened to me a couple of times.
I get it, man. We’re getting all this good shit for free, so ads are expected. But does it have to be the most annoying type of ad ever?
Nothing kills a raging boner more than persistent ads, so make sure you have a decent ad blocker to enjoy the good stuff here at XyzComics.
Overall, this XyzComics is an acceptable source of free fappable porn comics. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it doesn’t make the site totally useless.
But if you’re looking for sites that are easier to navigate, check out other porn comic site reviews here at The Porn Guide. We’re always on the lookout for the best.
Perhaps one of the most unique or quirky ways to get your fap is through porn comics. I get it, man. It’s not really for everyone, but different strokes for different folks.
You see, I’ll always have a soft spot for any literature in the form of comics or graphic novels. It’s one of the things I found great comfort in while dealing with growing pains.
I know my fellow geeks (or even closeted geeks) would understand. I know a lot of you guys had your sexual awakening from super hot comic babes and intergalactic beauties.
If geeky goodies are right up your alley, stick with me. We’re fapping to porn comics ‘til eternity.
XlecX is undoubtedly a source of free porn comics online. According to the site’s footer, visitors can always find new porn comics of various genres featuring their favorite characters from cartoons, video games, anime, and many others.
This site is pretty new in the porn game. It’s only been around the porn scene for 7 months. If the site Scam Adviser is not mistaken, you could say XlecX is hot and fresh out of the porn oven.
Now, the thing with new sites is that they’re pretty much barren. Right off the bat, I can tell that this site comes off a little undercooked when it comes to the site’s overall design. The site has a lot of porn comics uploaded – about 1075 pages worth of porn comics.
Upon checking the comment section of XlecX’s earliest upload, the oldest comment was from 2017. As it turns out, the site’s original domain was XlecX.org.
The change in domain extension bamboozled Scam Adviser. LOL!
XlecX’s site design looks ancient to my eyes. It’s like it’s stuck in the early 2000s or something. The site logo and header remind me of y2k aesthetics and not in a good way.
Do you know those old online flash games from the internet’s ancient times? The color gradients on this site are very reminiscent of that. And again, not in a good way at all.
But substance weighs more than aesthetics, so let’s move past this for now.
The site logo is on top, along with the search bar and the Sign-Up and Login buttons. Below is the main menu, followed by thumbnails of porn comics. There is also a left sidebar that contains the site’s categories.
There’s nothing much in the thumbnails. Aside from the main image, all we get is the porn comic title, the number of images or pages available, and a percentage that I have no idea what it stands for. Maybe it’s the rating, but it’s hard to tell at this point.
I’ve only been on the site for a couple of minutes, and I already came across some issues. For some odd reason, the site keeps timing out. I checked my internet connection, and it’s a hundred percent fine, so I have no idea what gives.
Aside from that, every click would trigger a new tab that contains an ad. And I mean every damn click!
I know I barely got here, but I am very much tempted to write off this site entirely. I mean, other porn comic sites don’t pull this kind of annoying ass shit.
I tried viewing this site on my phone and tablet, but the same shit just happened. Every tap triggers a new tab of annoying ads.
I don’t think I have the shortest fuse, but XlecX is really testing my patience.
XlecX’s barren main menu consists of Main, Tags, Favorites, and a content sorting feature. You can sort stuff here at XlecX by Date, Rating, Read, Comments, and Title.
To be honest, I wouldn’t really consider this as the main menu – more like a sad excuse for a main menu. So let’s move on to something a little more interesting.
There are 12 porn comic categories here at XlecX. Since it’s not much, here’s the entire list:
If you want more filters, you can check the Tags tab. Here you’ll find more detailed descriptions like Ahegao, Anal, Blowjob, Bondage, BBC, BBW, BDSM, Breeding, Creampie, Cuckold, Fetish, Giant, Giantess, Stockings, Tentacles, and many more.
They even have a couple of spicier tags that would make a prude’s toe curl. Go check it out for yourself and enjoy.
It’s pretty hard to generalize the quality and art style of every porn comic available for free here at XlecX. That’s because of the various artists uploading their work on this site.
Now, it’s pretty hard to browse artists on this site. There seems to be no direct link to the list of artists here at XlecX.
I’ve bitched about the constant ads, but once you got in your comic of choice, the damn ads would leave you alone until the moment you need to click on something. I know, man. It’s really a bummer.
If you want to subscribe, add comics to your favorites, and comment on all content, you would have to register as a site member. XlecX is a hundred percent free, so all you need is a working email, and you’re good to go.
I won’t stop you from becoming a member, but personally, this site won’t ever be my top choice of porn comic source. The never-ending ads are a total deal breaker for me. I just couldn’t enjoy it.
To me, there’s nothing more boner-killing than the overabundance of useless ads. I mean, I get it. XlecX needs to get their coin to remain up and running, but this is just too much.